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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, the continuation of the sadistic crush blackmail series, written once again by the wonderful Joshua!




OH.... oh no

Ilyas Osman

time to get irritated again


Iv been waiting long time for this one I want us to get this revenge so badly I hope we can trust her friend


This is me before I'm listening it I know dangerous is work well enough when I get no happy endhira Revenge


OoooOOoh shit that cliffhanger!


How does she know literally how


Oh that cliffhanger at the end there, Josh you absolute tease! <3


Josh please do not make it so long wait this time I want us all to Diana down a peg and i get feeling Tracy and the listener are gonna get romantically evolved at some point

Out of Character

I just listened to the other two parts again the other day randomly. This is such good timing! Thanks!


>two hits from jackson's pen Well fuck me running... Didn't realize I'd be a guest star!


Well, this is an unexpected return. What a nice surprise. I gotta say, the suspense in this episode was really great. You always expected the whole plan to go wrong in the worst conceivable way. And just when you felt somewhat safe at the end, bam! I do wonder how Diana knew though? Does she have a camera in her room? Wouldn't put it past her. I wasn't expecting her to be as thoughtful as her diary revealed her to be. That's definitely a nice turn. I'm really curious what happened to her in the past. A sad backstory doesn't excuse her behavior though. Also, DAs voice for this character is just so damn hot! Love it. We also saw a new side of Tracy. She has a lot more confidence then she let us believe. Her reaction after her comments showed that she felt like she slipped up and didn't want to reveal that side of her. There's definitely something going on behind the surface of this character too. I think it would be a really nice twist if our supposed savior turned out to be a Yandere and we would be stuck between two crazy girls. That would be an interesting situation. 😆 Great work on this Josh and great work DA voicing these two so different characters. I'm very curious where this is going.

Jeremy Knight

Let me guess she had a bad experience with some jackass and it caused her to be a total bitch to boys. She probably treated the listener like that out of reflex reflex because she's scared he might hurt her and relive that experience. I wonder how she knew what they were up to, she might've saw the car outside and that she left the phone on the password.


At this point, I would rather deal with a Yandere that wants to help rather then a bitch like Diana. I guess it’s a pick your poison situation XD

Snub Birth

Dangerous upload: Yay is it wholesome? Title shows: Oh.

Joshua Frye

I love teasing people with cliffhangers lol. Hope y’all enjoy part 3. ( Thank you again DA!)


I have to say nice job so far man. Especially with that cliffhanger!! got any hints on what’s gonna happen next for us?


I swear I heard minecraft sounds

Marley Monroe

I love this series so much and this addition to it? Yes please and thank you very much. Josh, I continue to enjoy getting to know both characters better and seeing the dynamic between them shift, and how that affects the listener. I’m a big fan of “villains” who have layers and motives and aren’t just bad for bads sake (though those can be a damn good time as well), so getting this glimpse into D was lovely. So proud of your work, my friend. Well done! DA.......the way I get lost in the audio and forget both of these women are you is almost criminal LOL. The intentions you set for each of them and the way they are so grounded and connected to their own wants and who they are as people is fantastic. I just adore the way all that work you do behind the scenes to bring them off the page aligns with the SFX for that sweet, sweet immersion. Love it.


I gotta say Josh, from the moment I listened to the first part of the series....I knew it was going to be a great story. The characters are well developed, there is a depth to them. Also, that was some cliffhanger. I just waited to see if there was more, not realizing the audio ended. DA did a fantastic job with these two characters, giving each one a distinctive voice. Did I think it was done by two people? Yes, but only for a split second. There are just so many questions that were raised. What happened with D? What exactly is in it for Tracey? And the confrontation....oh the anticipation. Great work! Wonderfully written and fantastic job at bringing them to life. Thank you, both


The long-awaited P3! Josh, my friend, I can’t to see what you have in store here! I’m sure you and DA did beautifully! This intro, this is already more exciting than anything I ACTUALLY did when I was in high school, LOL! I can’t wait to see how this little scheme plays out… Also, she’s out here asking what we admired in Diana… Sus… LOL! Do I sense more drama on the horizon? “Hey, bitch, what’s up?!” How I greet my friends, complete with THAT tone of voice, LOLOLOLOLOL! Already, that’s my favorite line in this audio, I have decided, LOL! Also, just as an aside, DA, I love Diana’s drunk voice. I know she’s supposed to be the villain, but listening to her just high-laugh with Tracy was such a mood and it made ME laugh a few times too. You just give her the best voice! And Josh, you gave her the best lines, LOL! (This is also me when I get higher than I thought. It’s always SO FUN!) Ah, but bullying Tracy into hitting the vape… Hmmm… Am concern… Man, I’m not even personally part of this “party crasher” plan and I’m nervous AF that it’s not gonna work out LOL! IDK if that’s just Josh and DA being great at creating tension, or if it’s me getting too easily scared again LOL! Either way, I’m just in constant state of 👀 Also, on a meta level, I love that after we break into the room, we decide to take time reading her diary rather than doing what we need to do and FLEEING! Like sure, diary intrigue, but you better hope she doesn’t come knocking! … Oh god I really hope that’s not how this ends, or that’s gonna be AWKWARD! But OH BOY JOSH! You gave Diana a tragic backstory!! What is this Horrible Day? I’m worried… AND OK SO THEY WEREN’T CAUGHT, BUT honestly, the whole deal of trying not to act sus around D while being VERY sus around D was… anxiety-inducing, to say the least, LOL! Great job DA and Josh! DA, especially, switching Diana back to her more threatening voice was like “Oh shit she’s gonna find out and then she’s gonna kill us!” Even though there was no huge confrontation, I was not at all disappointed by this episode LOL! Ooooh ok, so the second the phone rang I was like “is she gonna call us out?” and then she DID and now all I have to say is “Oh shit!” Josh, you’re an incredible writer! This part was so tense and exciting! And you set up so many interesting future plot points that I’m already dying for my questions to be answered! IDK what you have in store next, but I’m sure it will be just as captivating and well-written as this part was! The action is only just getting started… And of course, it was DA’s performance that really brought it all to life! The contrasting voices of the girls was nice and the delivery of the lines (“Hey, bitch, what’s up?!”) was perfect! Bravo!


I got chills at the end. This is honestly so good😍

J Moon

I really wish to see more!!