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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, the sequel to our very own Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde, written once again by the incomparable Todd C.!




We knew this wasn't over yet! 😁


My my my, a sequel to the series. This will be intriguing.

Ilyas Osman

i have to catch up with the season 1 i guess

Jeremy Knight

I knew that wasn't the end! Loving this sequel so far.


I'm so glad I listened to all of Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde audios. Of course as soon as saw the tag 'radio drama' I was sold anyway. I'm loving the story Todd and will wait patiently for more. As for the audio itself, this was a brilliant display of DA's voice acting abilities. Thank you both

Jeremy Knight

Now that I think about it there's probably going to be some NSFW chapters to this series with the whole sex cult and the island being a very sex positive place.


First day of my Patreon and the return of Jekyll and Hyde! Love the "Land That Time Forgot" old school adventure movie going on. This place seems like Lola's jam as she can canoodle with her man for all time but...there's a catch, and not just a pirate crab! Will Debbie be the voice of reason even with the raging spirit that dwells within? Will Miss Spach keep on talking into her microphone?! Looking forward to more and kudos on the writing and voice acting!


You're married Lola, i'm watching you >.>

Out of Character

Lola Hyde turns up on the paradise island like "About time!"


Having still only listened to the first 10 or so, jesus christ what the fuck is this series


Having listened to all of it at least a couple times, Jesus Christ, what the fuck is this series?


Todd can’t resist the spotlight I wonder if anyone ACTUALLY thought the series was over?


I love that its hit a point where it’s considered a radio drama rather than an RP anymore 😂😂😂


In what year or period does this take place?

Todd Carney

That is a good question. I'd love to animate this series, then I could date them with their clothing a bit. And answer if it's more of a steampunk universe. What would you prefer?


Long Comment In-Bound! I’m sorry… (😉 ) 1) That title LOL! Given how last episode ended, I’m assuming Spatch came up with the name. I’m just amazed the others agreed to it LOL! 2) OF COURSE we knew Todd wasn’t done with these ladies yet! LOL I also love that they’re LOST AT SEA and Spatch decides to practice doing a news reel (I doubt it’s a live broadcast given that they’re… well… lost at sea), LOL! #Priorities? Spatch would also absolutely be the one to whip out her camera during the apocalypse. While everyone else tries to get to shelter, she stands under the fire raining down from the Heavens and just does her thing, LOL But I honestly think she’s just here to be a clever exposition vessel, so we can do “previously on!”s in a way that makes sense in-universe. Am I correct in that assumption, Todd? 😛 Ah, but the southern drawl DA gives her is just so perfect and charming and fitting! It’s strong, but without being aggressive. It’s laidback, but without being weak👌 “Posh, attractive maid.” … I’M DECEASED!!! Also, I love that Todd is stroking his own ego by having Angela and Spatch both praise the battle that took place last episode, LOL “Any comment from the husband?” *silence* LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! Also, being lost at sea while in PJs? Yea, that’d be me “No. Comment.” LOL Deb God, the banter between Spatch and Deb is so funny bc poor Deb rises to all of Spatch’s barbs (and basically everything else Spatch says, even if it isn’t meant to get Deb going). Like, goddamn Deb, chill! LOL It’s also funny to realize that this is, again, DA arguing with herself. But she does such a great job of making each voice sound so real that sometimes I forget it’s NOT 2 VAs pretending to bicker. Just another testament to DA’s endless talent! “That’s the first time I’ve ever heard my monster described as *beautiful*!” she says in an offended tone, LOL, tho I do have to say, there is something kinda sad and sweet about that… (Tho to be nitpicky, of course this is the first time. Deb’s only transformed like 4 times, at least onscreen) Also, Spatch’s rationale behind why she likes Deb’s monster? … She gae… Lel “That impressive FORCE of nature that’s INSIDE of you.” 😏 I also love how Deb keeps bitching about her ruined life. Like, I get it, but every damn ep she says something to the effect of “my life is ruined/destroyed/stolen!” Sis, the rest of the gang ain’t doing much better Spatch is too good for Deb, that’s all Imma say, LOL (I also love that we got another “bless your heart”, LOL). But god Spatch is such a flirt! LOL “Gaudy attire,” Pffft like Deb’s wardrobe wasn’t always already gaudy AF, LOL I also love the implication that Deb and Dee are on one side of the boat while Angela and the husband are on the other (not that I blame em LOL!) Tho does that mean Deb and Dee just did all the rowing? Lazy Angela and husband… LOL JK (Imagine being stuck in a boat with these 4. That would be… interesting, to say the least, LOL) “Canoodling” LOL! I love that Deb’s the irritated “only sane man”, poor her, LOL “When did you become such a giddy thrill seeker?!” Right?! Tho it’s kinda nice to see an adventurous Angela, rather than a depressed one. And I suppose it makes sense, she’s a scientist, of course her curiosity would drive her to explore what everyone else would think was common sense to avoid. I like this type of bravery from her, it’s not what she had in mind (nor necessarily what she wanted) but she DOES have moments of courage! Either that, or her curiosity got the best of her and she totally forgot about things like fear and survival, LOL “Stuff it, Spatch!” LOL Also, Deb being slightly protective of Angela is kinda cute ☺️ Ah, but that scene between Deb and the listener was actually really good! Like, honestly, it was kinda fascinating to see them interact like this since they were apparently such a “thing” before Lola rolled around. And seeing Deb confess her insecurities was really heartwarming and tearjerking (even if I can’t bring myself to trust her 100%). IDK, I think this was just a creative scene on par with Angela’s reverse transformation at the wedding. It was an unexpected moment of genuine humanity and vulnerability from a character who was otherwise cold and closed off. And even tho Deb is more morally ambiguous than Angela, I still REALLY liked this scene! DA does so incredibly giving Deb such a soft, sad, sweet, longing voice! 😭 “Fashionable entourage” LOL (God I wish I had pics of everyone!) Also, Todd, old trope: the moment someone points out a smell, it ain’t gonna be good… 👀 Oh and of COURSE it’s an orgy… Todd… LOL (harem anime) “disengaged from copulating,” LOL I love how overly formal that language is Also, so, Alex is just… normal DA? LOL, I love her already “You are SO friggin adorable!!” *loves food, wine, sex and inhaling plant scents to feel good* *flirts with everyone and is chill* Yup. Normal DA. LOL Also, this has definitely got some “lair of the lotus-eater” vibes (*laughs in Percy Jackson*) And I love how timid Angela is when she asks if it’s an orgy (heck I love that she asked at all, LOL) (Meta level, the orgy island thing is DA’s NSFWs LOL) Also, it’s clear that these guys are gonna be an issue next ep, but I am intrigued as to the story behind their immortality. I wonder if Todd will shed any light on it? 👀 I also LOVE the harp in the background! LOLOLOLOLOL!!! And the aphrodisiac scene was HILARIOUS! (God, Alex is a great character LOL, just had to say it again) “I’m struggling against an overwhelming urge to disrobe and get frisky!” LOL, that’s one way to put it “Angela! Not now!” LOL Deb, cockblocking (tho she has a point) Well, incredible work, Todd and DA! Just like always, despite how crazy this series is getting, you both manage to make each new part so captivating and incredible. Todd, the dialogue and characters are just so entertaining, even when at their cringiest, LOL. And DA, phenomenal work on making Todd’s vision a reality. You did excellently with all the voices and SFX. Honestly, listening to this part, it still blows my mind to think that you voice every character. Even though I can “hear” strains of the “real you” in every voice, you just do so well at making them all sound genuinely different that sometimes I almost can’t believe this was all done by just you! And all the voices are so emotive and natural too, on top of being so unique! It’s just a testimony to both your natural skill and your hard work!

Cyrus Nezahoo (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-21 13:08:36 This episode is what made me become patrone. I laught out several times and then relized i cared about the chars. J&H is my favorit and i cant wait til next episode ! :)
2021-03-17 21:35:38 This episode is what made me become patrone. I laught out several times and then relized i cared about the chars. J&H is my favorit and i cant wait til next episode ! :)

This episode is what made me become patrone. I laught out several times and then relized i cared about the chars. J&H is my favorit and i cant wait til next episode ! :)