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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-only upload, yet another Drunk and Dangerous 420 Fairytales!  Relax and listen to my high rambles as I make my way through Grimm's classic stories.

And speaking of classic... the "2020: Little Dung Heap Is On Fire" merch is officially here!  Let everyone know the world is burning by advertising your disappointment:  https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/49790846 



Joshua Frye

Imma thirst girl= new tshirt merchandise, no question about it. Someone say otherwise I dare you 😂😂😂


Anyone else just wants dangerous to post reviews of crappy movies?


I can be pretty bad at lying (I've gotten better over the years tho) and a couple years ago I was playing a game of bullshit with my family and losing cuz they could tell UNTIL I used it to my advantage by putting down the card I said it was but telling myself I'm lying so I'd act like it. It was hilarious when I was told bullshit and they had to grab a giant stack of cards lol


"mass shirting" razor sharp baked wordplay


Okay, so could someone make the whole “thorns covering the White House and trapping everyone inside” thing actually happen? Could be the best thing to happen this year, honestly. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Also, I can’t stop thinking about what it looks like when those brothers remove their swan skins. Is it like molting? It sounds horrifying.


Wtf was that intro. I am thoroughly amused and confused.

Cody Lancaster

Koodo's on the yugioh reference

Alex Butters

What is this series?

Net Neutrality

Correct, asters are a genus of flowers. Also, don’t worry DA. Soon I’ll give you all the Yugioh you could ask for.


Wait, there are other timelines? I want to be in the original timeline so I can hear the political rant.