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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, written by the wonderful M.G.!

This one is the SFW version; I will also be uploading an NSFW version today as well for your listening pleasure.  Its a 2-for-1 Sunday special!




Here we gooo!!!


Okay, now this series has really got my attention. This is actually scary *and* arousing.

After Hours

Well have me down as scared and horny


This is such a cool concept!! I’m excited to see where this goes (if the plan is to make it a series, that is)!


Anyone else feel her voice is constantly on the left, More-so than on the right anyways?


Mhm. It's only the audio track though; the SFX are fine. The flight part is a bit more balanced from what I can tell, if leaning towards the right, though if anything, I'd expect that part to be to one sided as she's flying next to you rather than speaking face to face.

Jason Chao

Redbull give you wings~~

Camilo Iribarren

A dreamworld where anything from the deepest part of our mind can come to life eh? This is going to be fun