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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, part 14 of the wonderful Jekyll and Hyde series written, as always, by the impeccable Todd C!




I don’t know about Angela and Lola merging, I don’t know I feel like doing that kinda ruins what makes Lola so interesting, I had the same problem with smart hulk in avengers endgame, especially after Thor 3 because that film finally let the hulk talk like how he does in the comics, but endgame killed that

Net Neutrality

WOMAN! It is YOU who is lucky to be by MY side, and you will RESPECT Angela! It is entirely because of her and I that you EXIST!

Net Neutrality

You mustn't! I'm grateful for who you are!


Is the ship with the virus?


Yo the acting! The sfx! i love it! Lola: “Imma pamper the shit outta you!” that’s one wholesome threat lol THE VOICE ACTINGGGGG I KNOW I SAY IT ALL THE TIME BUT HOLY SHIT Lola really out here trying to make me cry 😭 Poor Angela Bubu.....no no no!!! Guess we got a boss fight boyos


Yo did.....did Lola just admit to being a brat...



Net Neutrality

When I heard the knock, I knew it wasn't the listener, and I yelled "don't open it!"

Stephen as Moviebuff3000

I feel like when ever DA does Lola these days she takes mant pauses while recording to call her a cunt or something.

Dangerous' Freya❤️

Feels like i'm listening to a telenovela all over again!!!! u w u

Stephen as Moviebuff3000

I always love seeing the vunerable moments with Lola. Its a big reason why the Lola to Angela transformations so much. I feel bad for The Listener (hey thats me) and I cant imagine what his health most be like both mentally and physically. Speaking of Mental and Physical realted things I cant wait to see what happend next week (errr Month) on Jekyll and Hyde.

Net Neutrality

I HATED that, guilt-tripping me with Angela! And calling me an inadequate groom!

Joseph Wong

Can't wait til the fight between Lola and Abomination..I mean Lavish XD

Formerly Jon Bon Jovi Now Twice Removed As The Artist Formerly Known As Prince

Woah. I never thought I'd see this side of Ms. Goddess. It's so sad! XD But at least she said he can work with her, and that she wants to get him help. Now that the goddess allows him and his original love to be with him, in their marriage. Nice job there Ms. Dangerous! Awesome work as always. EDIT - That Twist at the end tho.... WUT?!

Frosty The Termintor

Ok I really really liked this one, we got to see Lola’s vulnerable side, nice shift in tone hearing her feel bad for what she’s done as to the typical pompous “I am so awesome” attitude she normally has. It’s obvious part 15 will be a rematch of Debra Hyde Vs Lola Hyde, I am sure emotions will run high and Debra will hulk out follow Angela hulking out to defend herself


Maybe Angela and Lola should merge to become one personality, combining both brains and brawn as well as finally being in control.