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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, the second chapter in the demon girl roleplay series!




Yes!! Demon girl is back!!! Woooo hooo!!!


Mmm maybe we'll get a succubus cross over one day


Oooh, I've been looking forward to this! Don't know why I find this imp gal so cute, but gosh darnit I do


I missed imp

Kaede Togusa

Yesss demon girl !


I missed her! 😭😭 Never did “evil” sound so cute!

Net Neutrality

0:22 I wish, I wish, with all my heart, to fly with dragons in a land apart. 1:23 Aw, daddy issues? Talk to me, girl. 2:20 Note: manslaughter is not therapeutic, folks. 8:00 so this is all about getting woken up too early? I should give you a call about my neighbors... 9:15 That had better be grass fed at least. 9:45 And that had better be free range. 10:15 You are really not a good person, are you?

Net Neutrality

I was liking the immersion of the echo.

Camilo Iribarren

Oh darling.... now I know I’m definitely melting for the details in this story

Jeremy Knight

I honest to god thought she was gonna tell a story about her being raped or they tried to kill her. She's really funny.