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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, a delightfully relaxing lamia roleplay written by the amazing Game2345!

Stay tuned for my second upload later today, an erotic FxF roleplay featuring a certain French maid...




Ooooh, is gonna be one of those days


So thankful for all the lamia content lately




I've been waiting for this one!!! Boggle and Net, yall ready?


I was into wolf girls now I'm into snake girls... life be like thst


Omg ❤️

Net Neutrality

I just came home from a ridiculous shopping trip, crowded and frustrating and a hint of panic. I NEED this.

Net Neutrality

1:05 Oh my. I was only expecting one, not several of them! This listener better behave! 3:05 so then this isn’t going to be the second ever upload with the “sharing is caring” tag? 6:00 Is this listener 9 years old? Nobody above that age would be clueless as to why a snake woman would want to coil around him. 8:30 You know what, Yara? Just eat him. This ungrateful pest doesn’t deserve your loving seduction and cuddling.

Net Neutrality

And she’s gonna release ANOTHER audio today, for the ladies!

Net Neutrality

Just like every week <3


>TFW no actual Lamia GF to cuddle with.

Jeremy Knight

God dammit I wish Lamias were real, it sounds like the best thing ever to be wrapped up in her coils. considering that Lamias are often very sexual creatures it wouldn't surprise me if they want him there for mating reasons.


Loving all the comments and analysis, I do have plans for a part two down the road.....been a lot lamia stuff lately so I may hold off for a bit. But part two will indeed ratchet things up in the nsfw department.

Dylan lamou

Général kenobi.

Camilo Iribarren

This is totally adorable. I love it

Fallen Phoenix

she said the listener isn't going to die but why do i get the feeling they aren't going to ever be able to leave this place


If I wake up in chains, I WILL off myself......I hope you know this. Anything is better than being some snake woman's chew toy, lol.


I feel an NSFW part 2 coming on

curious skull

Thank you for the lamia content. It's so good!


I like the outcome here


Nsfw part when?


Well I don’t want to over saturate things cause a lot of lamia stuff has been done lately, lots of great stuff, but it makes me want to hold off on it for a little bit. But at the same time DA makes the call so I might just knock it out and submit it anyway.


I need moar!!!!Please!!!😍


Sequel part when. I need it now.


The coiling sounds are so good~


I love snakes so I am sure I wouldn't be afraif af Lamias.. Well maybe if they existed and all you hear and learn are bad things.. Hmm. Well I really like your lamia audios.