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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-only upload, another dive into the cringy depths of my middle school's "fine arts magazine".  Making fun of kids?  Hell yeah!




Discord gang assemble!


I don't know who I like more, Weed head Dangerous, or 50 shades Dangerous.......😕

Alexander Piech

panther fact: there are pink ones

Dangerous' Freya❤️

Another Drunk and Dangerous has been told. I wonder what will happen next that has yet to be unfold.


panther fact: they exist.

Xrth'hlu Klysm

"Turn this off and go out!" *is listening to this while ice fishing*


Panthers! they polygamous. Female panthers signal sexual availability through the scent of their urine and through vocalizations like a yowling sound and some people say it sounds like female human screaming.


That intro tho 😭👏🏼😂


She said fuck mike then her train of thought went everywhere at the same time I cannot 👏🏼👏🏼 Danger losing her shit really making me lose mine 😭

Net Neutrality

0:30 Dangerous, give yourself more credit. "Peter Piper" is meant to be a tongue twister. 1:50 If you're the fairy godmother, what does that make me? Also, hell yeah, Jaden Smith is an ass. Remember when he compared himself to MLK? 2:34 "Moisture...is the essence...of wetness....and wetness...is the essence...of beauty." I mean, he's right. Remember when Lola said "The more you fuck me, the more beautiful I become"? 3:20 Whoa...she was high before she joined our voice chat. Also, aren't we among your loved ones? So you are spending time with them! 7:15 Inflation, tuition costs, medical expenses, and housing prices. 8:25 Pfffffffft. Okay story! Sure, just time skip over the mourning of the mom! Also, if this turns to sex, it'd be worse than Flowers in the Attic. 9:30 What episode of Dexter's Laboratory are you talking about?! 11:10 OF COURSE she's stupid enough to fall for that! OF COURSE! 13:30 I would have believed it. I would have believed she thought of ice cream. Also, I prefer to scream for frozen yogurt. ;) 15:10 Don't worry, I ain't judging if you're into dads and daughters. You'd be surprised how many folks are into moms and sons. 18:40 It's all right, it's why we love you. Also, I noticed the sounds of rain are gone from a few minutes ago. Did you add those in yourself? Also, why does this brat sound like the Dolly Yandere now? That voice is WAY too good for this poorly-written character. 20:00 Dangerous ASMR's Lifehack of the Week: Go for the can with the pull tab. You'll be able to run longer if you could get at that protein quicker. 20:57 Oh fuck, I cut my finger on a can once. It was so awful. I still cringe thinking about it. Thanks for reminding me. 22:08 Hey Dangerous, can I make my next paid request be a stream of you playing Oregon Trail? There's free emulators online. 23:40 I ain't complaining. The sooner she dies, the closer this miserable story is to ending. 26:48 Again, it's all good, Dangerous. There's a very sizeable audience out there for mother/daughter. If it makes you feel better, I'll let you know what I'm into one of these days. 27:59 And you saved us a lot of money too. For profit education systems are a waste. I could design a better syllabus in a couple of minutes. 29:00 And then he grew up to be Chris-chan, the creator of Sonichu. That's America for you. 31:00 That's exactly what he was doing when he made "The Last Airbender". And I don't fault him so much for "After Earth" as I do Will and JADEN SMITH. 32:40 Oh, Dangerous. There's definitely a monster inside of you. 38:33 Not just the Transformers movies. All his movies are the same. Cars, explosions, sunsets, two-dimensional men who are either impossibly heroic or comic relief, beautiful women without a shred of personality, and exploitation of racial stereotypes. 40:45 Even if I didn't want to orgasm, I hate fireworks. It sounds like constant gunfire or bombs going off way too near me. It's nerve-wrecking. 43:30 NOOOOOOOOOOOO 46:05 Ronald Rump? Also, better a tech support guy than a fake IRS scammer who says his name's John even though he clearly has an Indian accent. 47:30 I remember it well enough that the daughter was indeed locked away in a tower, commanded to spin straw into gold for the greedy king. 48:38 Jesus Christ. I hope this kid got hogtied by a Latina dominatrix and face-planted in the parking lot of a Taco Bell. He ain't even good enough for Chipotle's. (someone let me know if I'm out of line) 51:00 And I thought I had reasons to cringe about how I was in 8th grade during "A Midsummer Night's Dream". 54:45 Honestly, I've tuned out at this point. I am not having any of this meathead's vanity project. 55:33 Of course he uses an LGBTQ slur. I wouldn't have expected anything classier. And yes, you've definitely changed my opinion, kid. You've made it WAY worse. 56:50 I don't have any panther facts, but I do remember writing a poem in middle school about an elephant. Pretty sure I got rid of it when I matured, though.

Net Neutrality

If nobody else writes that audio, I will do it one day. Also, I promise I will look at your old writing one day and not judge you for it.

Todd Carney

This was a fun one! But hey, I am going to write this now that enough time has passed and maybe no one will see it, and I can post some starfucking and get it out of my system. I met Jaden Smith many years ago, shortly after he made his first movie with his dad. I was immediately struck by how cool & polite he was. He showed us how to use his in-ground trampoline in his backyard. Later, we danced with his parents on a dance floor in his backyard... it was just my family and Will Smith, Jada Pinkett-Smith and Jaden. It was fucking surreal. Jaden did some breakdancing. It was incredibly awesome. But yeah, his Tweets now are like WTF.


Sorry, what was the first part?