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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, the way-too-long awaited part 8 of the serial killer series!

Evil not quite up your alley?  Stay tuned for this week's erotic upload, a hot little slice of FxM for your listening pleasure.




Yesssssss finally


Ah shit here we go again

Todd Carney

It's great fun to bump into an old friend! I always learn so much when she comes around!


Lord, I have missed this bitch 😂 Glad to have her back


You're telling me I can get a free happy meal and all I gotta do is smoke some bag of bones fucker? Count me in!!!


It's been way too long! Erotic serial killer audio? 🤔

Net Neutrality

1:20 if you want to kill someone with pizzazz, talk to Monokuma. 3:07 I need energy, and we need synergy between us. 5:40 I sympathize with this guy. I am a slowww eater. I chew too much. 7:30 Doesn’t Google still track you? 13:38 or our beloved Nailz. 14:32 with SEX? :) oh. Never mind. Does McDonalds still do mighty kids meals? I remember when they were first introduced in the early 2000s.


She has an awful potty mouth. Her parents should have taught her better.


Ah I missed this serial killer!


For many reasons I could really relate to her haha. And I can see her outlook in life


I'm re-listening to the series, forgot what the celebration was, and was disappointed when it was Happy Meals and not more ice cream sundaes. Because I am an easily bribed child, but also have a stomach that gets unhappy at most fast food places. XD