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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, part 3 of the wonderful Lamia's Lullaby series written by the wonderful Kazzy!

Note: while this part does tug at the heart strings, there are no graphic surprises in store, so fear not!




Thank God! I dont think my heart could have handled more of the last one


One of my favourite new series 😁


How much crying can this episode produce?

Jeremy Knight

Damn, I hope that he gets revenge on the Bandit Queen someday. I can't even imagine how awful it must've been watching your best friend be raped to death. Aside from that this part was really sweet... I hope we get a NSFW part with her next time. I felt I got teased at the end.


L... lamia... does the naughty?

Kazzy (Ryu)

Boy, they sure did drink a good deal of that Nektar Wine...


Just well done ! I had a big smile at the End :D

Stephen as Moviebuff3000

No no no you cant end it like that. It was to early...it was to early!

Romeo Santiago

Enjoying this series so much. Another great audio Dangerous!


I get the whole “always leave them wanting more” thing.....but daaaaammmmnnnn. Still, incredible!!!

Net Neutrality

Look at it this way, it’s less work for Dangerous to upload this to YouTube, because there are no scenes that need to be cut.

Net Neutrality

I’m legitimately scared with every passing second of this that something will happen to interrupt the peaceful, therapeutic heaven these two have made together. Please don’t do that, Kazzy. These two need each other so badly.

Net Neutrality

And it looks like Kazzy will save it all for one part, that way the plot can continue in the part afterwards and the kids and parents won’t miss anything critical to the story.


Lullaby is fun to say ^^ but i don't know what that's mean, i don't want to know !

Camilo Iribarren

Mmm this is as lovely and as beautiful as ever. I absolutely love this series


Gaw! It had to end at a good part! Lol. Good work.