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I hope you guys enjoy today's loud and obnoxious Drunk & Dangerous, a very special Valentine's Day* narration!  Let's all get in the spirit for romance as I read from a one-of-a-kind book of stories and poems.

* product contains 5% or less of: Valentine's Day 




I'm so glad one of your tags is now mocking children


Discord gang assemble


I was 10 minutes in when my face started to hurt from smiling along with my sides from laughing. We definitely need more of drunk Dangerous. You are an absolute riot.


Low Key calling us all garbage bags. I see what you did there.

Todd Carney

Much fun! (and just the right amount of lawnmower!)

Richard Fenicks

“This better not be an actually sad one, cause then I’ll feel bad.” No you won’t, don’t lie.

Jeremy Knight

I'm honestly surprised that they were okay with the last story.


Lmao the best poems ever written by a bunch of 12yr olds lol. This is the funny content that I pay for!


Lmao!! Elmo the Evil Emo?!! I'm soo geekd! Best villian ever


I know I'm a terrible person, because this is fucking great and I neeed more!!!


Thought one of the tags was making children 🤷‍♂️

Net Neutrality

See, boggle? Bringing out one’s old works of art from the past can be very enjoyable!

Net Neutrality

0:35 Is that garbage bag heavy? Are you in need of a suitcase on wheels? 1:00 Oh dear. Are you holding back tears? Is the stress of this workload of recording getting to you on the inside? 2:28 Dangerous, didn’t I tell you in a previous running diary? We all went through a horrifying existential emo phase when we were hitting puberty. 2:35 Ah, so the Yandere Stepmom series allows you to exorcise some demons, huh? Excellent. 4:10 Damn it, one of my poems from middle school got published in a hard bound book, but I abandoned it when I moved out of my parents’ house permanently. Folks, do not be so quick to bury your past in shame. 4:25 You would have HATED me as a middle schooler. I was the kid who’d raise my hand if the teacher went off topic and would say “Returning to the lesson...” 5:00 I can’t speak for your classmates, but if I was one of them, I’d be thinking, “THE Dangerous ASMR? Reading my written poem from childhood? DO IT.” 5:53 Maybe the room is a gymnasium, and the storyteller is a basketball player from the losing team, brooding on the court by herself. How's THAT for poetic and deep? 6:21 Even better than what I came up with. Dangerous, you haven't forsaken your middle school self. You've EMBRACED her. As you should. 7:05 I am "whey"? What? As in "whey protein"? 7:41 SHOTS FIRED. Just try and come at Dangerous, Christians. You'll have to get past me! 8:10 Actually, that'd be an effective way to mentally torture me, your victim, in a roleplay--just list everything that makes you better than me. Because I'd believe everything you say. 8:35 Wait, what? Rice? Rice what? Rice University? That's in Houston, not San Fran! 9:10 Hey kid, did ya like Super Bowl 54? Also, was this how Word Spud on Jackbox Party Games was inspired? Also, crap, we're not even 10 minutes in and this diary is already getting out of hand. I'm gonna have to make these time stamps less frequent.

Net Neutrality

10:35 I HOPE that inspirational speech was "So Yesterday" by Hilary Duff. 11:13 And if you ask them, I'm confident they'd say they LOVE being roasted by you. I know I would. 13:40 My favorite poetry is the kind that follows a rhyme scheme. All this free verse work isn't doing it for me. I guess I belong in the Verseburg Universe, where it's a crime not to rhyme. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lel1c3t7JpU 15:10 So...........freezing rain? Or sleet? Sigh....to be continued. I gotta get going with my day...


"Middle School kids are all little pricks" Yo, that's what I've been saying! No empathy, and just smart enough to be injurious.


This is the quality content I desire. Thank you. 🙏


oh my god, Dangerous is such a dork and I love her all the more for it!