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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, the third part of the Nailz and Gail series, written by the wonderful Ike Moore!

(Note: in the beginning scene, Nailz is dancing with her gun, not having sex.  Get your mind out of the gutter.)




Our minds........we're all in the same gutter, and you know it, lol

Net Neutrality

Havin sex sounds saner than dancing with your gun. Also, even the edgiest big shot wouldn’t give their parole officer lip. Or am I naive? Also, I’d go to Nailz University any day over Liberty University.

Jeremy Knight

I didn't know what to think of this series but I'm starting to like it.

Ike Moore

Thanks man it is always fun to write these...if you think you love these two now wait for the next two chapters