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I hope you guys enjoy (this version) of today's early upload, a Dullahan Roleplay written by the always incredible Todd C!

This version includes a light NSFW ending, and is written as FxM.  So, take your pick!



Anthony Paquette

What a perfect way to start the day thanks Dangerous

Silkwolf Frostsaber

FxM or FxF is always preferred over gender neutral. It's so hard to position oneself when there's no gender specifics to the story.

Fallen Phoenix

did anyone else think during nsfw part that this was first time they had someone who was participating and being a watcher at the same time? no.. me neither

Billy Denton

This was also very good, and I still hope for more


Hearing that accent, i think you'd make an amazing Cait from Fallout 4 XD

Richard Hardslab

I wasn’t expecting a ride for the NSFW portion, especially with a viewer like that. Excellent work on the accent and the voice editing, I love how you flowed in and out of the demonic tones


First date, horseriding, a murder that I'm oddly okay with, Netflix and Chill... seems legit!


I’m just teasing, you know I love your accents


Absolutely fantastic accent. By the time the demonic voice came out, I was thinking to myself; how does one safely tiptoe around the fact that your date is a demon? Fun Audio!


I wouldn't mind dating a demon, but.....she should at least have a good head on her shoulders.......at all times.

Camilo Iribarren

So.... the grim reaper wants to spend time with me? I’m all for it! Love your accent and spending time with you.


Fucking Martin


This was amazing! The accent, the voice effects, everything! Good work!


Well then, that was awesome. You could say this audio was "a head.....of its time" 🤣🤣 Okay I'll leave now


This is fucking hilarious


Welp Irish accents are a turn on for me now. I always knew though.


Is she the headless horseman?


I want more of this plz

Eron Hawkins

I was kinda of expecting her to ask for him to face fuck her. Wish the sex part was longer but loved the accent. Please do more with her character.