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I hope you guys enjoy today's patron-exclusive upload, part 2 of the magnificent Eye of Argon!  I wonder what our ol' pal Grignr is up to this week...?




Damnit i had a 3 word sentence and i couldn't even do that right


I imagined Grignr as an extremly cartoonish Conan. Like Dave the Barbarian


Don't you worry Dangerous. There not a world where you wouldn't sound sexy. Even if you were complimenting my organs of sight.


of course we sing your praises DA


Can we get an Eye of Argon parody roleplay with Grignr??? It needs to be done for the memes.


That was hilarious, would definitely want to hear the female as French prince chungus


Gonna need that female french prince chungus asap!


I love the four seconds of silence followed by “...wtf?”

The Light-Skin Méxican

I do enjoy the Drunk & Dangerous audios! I'll have a couple of drinks while listening

Net Neutrality

2:36 you rejected your null hypothesis, huh Grignr? What, did you get a small enough P-value? (Statistics students will get it) 3:25 it’s okay Dangerous, we all went through an emo poet phase at some point in our youths. 10:20 Forgive her, future sober Dangerous, for she knows not what she does. 11:57 I know, Dangerous. I don’t know I came back for more of this either. And I don’t know why I’m doing a running diary of it. I guess it’s a testament to how much I love listening to you and want to support all that you do. You are so magnificent that “Yandere Girlfriend Helps You Complete Your Taxes” would be something I’d listen to in a heartbeat. 18:16 I’ll take a guess as to what you just read: He imagines that the food he’s forced to eat was rejected by the dogs of the prison/castle/wherever we are. I don’t know how that’s supposed to help, but I never promised a sensible explanation. 20:00 this part is just BEGGING to have Final Fantasy 6 battle music in the background. He’s fighting a were-rat. Also, why isn’t this story called the Organ of Sight of Argon? 25:05 “renewed vortex energy”. You know, renewed energy would have been just fine. But when you take it up to renewed VORTEX energy, you’re just as bad as Homer Simpson saying “Saxamaphone!” 27:27 Old McDangerous had a farm, EIEIO, and on this farm she had some patrons, EIEIO. 31:15 Again, why couldn’t they have just been “Great Ape” arms? Then we could at least make a chuckle at an unintentional DBZ reference. 36:05 “The pathetic screeches of the shaman” This entire story is a bunch of pathetic screeches. And I’m not talking about your heavenly voice, of course. 40:00 You do whatever your heart desires. It’s the same for me either way. 40:22 You’re welcome. If you are willing to soldier through this nonsense while you’re sick, then I owe it to you to endure it to the end as well.


Big ol titties 😂😂