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I hope you guys enjoy today's early upload, part 7 of the Jekyll and Hyde ASMR series written, once again, by the incomparable Todd C!



Camilo Iribarren

Every kiss made is definitely realistic. The She-Hulk comes out and definitely wants her man to take her. Ravish her with everything he has. Love it

Stephen as Moviebuff3000

Was having a bad day today so seeing the next installment in my favorite Dangerous series made me happy. Todd C if you read this I just want to say you steam a good ham, also can we get another Lola to Angela transformation?

Jeremy Knight

I can see where Angela's coming from, she can't even experience making love to him since she isn't aware of what Lola does. I'm surprised they didn't have sex in the bathroom, I kinda like that Lola has standards.


I love this series so much. Dangerous and Todd C thank you so much

Todd Carney

Thanks Stephen! (Your comment improved my day!) Yes, we have some reverse TF's coming up. (I love those too!)

Net Neutrality

Hey Angela? Lola? Would it be too much to ask for you two to stop ripping up your clothes? It's really putting an unnecessary dent into our budget, and it's the 7th time it's happened. When will you two ever learn? In a perfect world, would there be a way to split Angela and Lola in two, so that they could have him at the same time? Or would that just make things worse?

Todd Carney

With each episode, I discover a new favorite sound effect. (Part 6 has so many awesome ones, it's hard to pick. I really love that incredible SMASH after Lola sneers, "Felt that one, didn't you, girlfriend?") For Part 7, it's gotta be the sound effect Dangerous matched with this description in the script: (SFX: Clothing bursting apart)

Net Neutrality

Wouldn’t the men’s bathroom have been a safer hiding place? I’m just sayin’.


To rescue our budget i have purchased angela some loose clothing that she will look gorgeous in