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Oh pet, where is my little pet?  There you are!  Don't you move, little one.  I have something very special planned today...

I hope you guys enjoy today's NSFW upload -- the first erotic for my Patreon not written by myself, but rather by the author of the Giantess series, the wonderful Thomas J!  A round of applause for his incredibly filthy mind.

Next erotic will be an FxF bit of loveliness and a bit more on the vanilla side (well, a lot more compared to this audio), because women need love, too.  Love... and hot, hot sex.



aj strange

The tags 🏷 😭


Not gonna lie, didn't see this one coming. Should be pretty interesting tho!

EST. 1999

I’ve been waiting for this!


So how giant are we talking about


I wish we got to hear the cleaning we got! I hope if there is ever another one that there is more mouth stuff and kissing and such, but this one was amazing too.


Im hoping that there will be a way for me to become giant too. Want some of that giant on giant action if you know what I mean ;). However this is very fine tooo hahahah


Booty is more important than food. Booty is more important than drinking water.


This was amazing. Great work Dangerous and Thomas J.


this almost makes me curious enough to buy a sleeping bag and 20 gallons of Vaseline to recreate this


Well that was.... something


Apparently I've been looking forward to this and didn't realize it till just now, so thanks for that moment of clarity, I am now aroused and very concerned 🤣


Ah the return of the , Oh god why bonner


i guess its a bad time to tell her im a boob guy.


Dangerous I don't know how you do it but I actually said worship when you said finish my sentence xD


the tags are funny. Also i really appreciate this because i am a macrophile. Not saying i do not appreciate the other content tho. Your videos are awesome!


Reality will never live up to fantasy.

Camilo Iribarren

Umm... I will admit that I do enjoy strong women who try to manhandle me. It’s just adorable to see you treat me as such


"Fee fi fo fuck me" Pure quality. This is the content I paid for and will keep funding.


Achievement unlocked: New kink found

Eron Hawkins

You need to do some more with her.


I wonder how long until her captive feels dead inside? Or until he dies inside her?