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Hey there!

A poll about additional events for the Basic version will be added in a few days.

A poll about extra events for the Extended version will be added in 7-14 days.



First of all, I'd like to wish all the ladies a Happy International Women's Day! I hope you have a fantastic holiday weekend! ❤️

Right now, I've completed about 8% of the planned work.

The roughly scheduled release date for 1.4.5 update is the second half of April.


About the v1.4.5 update

1) Events:

  • 1 big event with Nikki -- 70% completed

Also, my plans for the 1.4.5 update include:

  • 1 event with Carol (featuring a bit of Abby)
  • 1 small event with Sara and Nikki
  • 1 small event with Rachel

I'm also keen on adding:

  • 1 main story event with Lexi, involving Abby and Max (perhaps someone else too)
  • 1 small event with Natalie
  • 1 event with Sasha and her friends (featuring a bit of Alyssa)

On top of that, there will be 2 additional events based on the poll, which I'll post in the next few days.

I'm not certain about the other events that will be included in the next update, so stay tuned.

2) Renders and animations:

About 90 renders and 2 animations are ready -- Roughly planned: 1000-1200 renders and 8-10 animations

3) Other things:

  • some work has been done on the remake version


Best wishes,
Dream Now



Christopher Redenz

Hello, my dears, Did I miss something or does this bondage scene not exist yet?