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Hey there!

Poll about additional events in v1.2.5 - Ended (Nikki and Ashley won, again)
Most likely, I will put Nikki and Ashley on pause in a similar poll for the 1.3.0 update

Poll about extra events in v1.2.5 - Ended (Sara and Nikki won)



The development of update 1.2.5 is going well.

I've managed to catch up a bit on the development schedule from the last news post. At this point, I'm about 1 day behind.

Currently, about 80-85% of the planned scope of work has been completed (applies to the basic version). The Extended version is not yet in development.

The roughly scheduled release date for version 1.2.5 is the second half of June.


About the v1.2.5 update

1) Events:


  • 1 big event with Roxy -- 100% complete
  • 1 big event with Sara -- 95% complete
  • 2 events with Carol -- 100% complete
  • 1 small event with Carol (friends path) -- 100% complete
  • 1 additional event with Nikki -- 100% complete
  • 1 additional event with Ashley -- 0% complete

Roughly speaking, all I have left to do is make an additional event with Ashley and add a few finishing touches to Sara's event.


  • 1 event with Nikki -- 0% complete
  • 1 event with Sara -- 0% complete

2) Renders and animations:


  • 950 renders and 11 animations are ready -- Roughly planned: 1000-1200 renders and 8-10 animations


  • Nothing so far

3) Other things:

  • some bug fixes


Best wishes,
Dream Now



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