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An important question about events with girls. 

I probably should have done it sooner, but better late than never. I care about what events with girls you are interested in. Indirectly, I guess that many of you are liked not only sex scenes and something like that. I'm also interested in something more than only sex scenes. 

I try not to make empty and useless sex events (at least most of the events of the main characters). I try to add feelings and emotions to every event (not in every scene, but still). 

But the game also has scenes of ordinary everyday relationships*. For example, there are many scenes with Carol, where she and the MC are a little fooling around, playing or just cuddling, taking care of each other. Also for example, the last scenes with Rachel (hugs and so on).
*A few renders from such scenes are at the very beginning of this post

In the future, I'm not going to give up on such scenes, but so far I don't know exactly how interesting it is for you. If you want, I can add more of moments like this to the game. For example, this would work well for endings related to pregnancy / wedding. Such scenes can add more meaning to the relationship between the MC and the girl/girls. 

Of course, if you want more moments like this, it doesn't mean that I'll focus only on them (cause UoP is an adult VN after all). But maybe you want to see more feelings. For example, standalone scenes with care and affection, frank dialogues, lovely chatter after sex and so on. (You can suggest something else in the comments)

In short, think carefully about this.



I think you have the balance of emotions and SEX just about to the Male version of Perfection (e=20, S=80) lol

Fabio Balaguer

I think its a perfect balance, I really like Roxy, my favorite girl, and not exclusive because of her perverted nature, but specially because of what's hidden in her. The cute development between she and MC is just as interesting to me as the fantastic sex scenes.