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Thank you all for your support!

Please report any bugs, errors, or problems you find to a special channel in discord or here.

PLEASE replay the previous version (0.3.5) starting with the arrival of Carol (metro station, Carol in gray clothes, with suitcases). First of all, I added some necessary variables to the event with Carol and the event with Ashley. Secondly, the requirements for some choices were reduced.

Game (Basic version): PC | MAC

Extended ($20+ tiers) - https://www.patreon.com/posts/50630333



1) Renders:

  • ~ 600 renders and 4 animations ( +??? renders, 3 animations and 6 PVU Lewd photos in the Extended version)

2) Events:

  • One huge main story event
  • Rachel – 1 small lewd event
  • Carol – 1 event
  • Sara – 3 events
  • Roxy - 1 event (+ 1 event in the Extended version)
  • Ashley - 1 event
  • Kim - 2 events (+ 1 event in the Extended version)

3) Two new characters are fully developed:

  • Zac
  • Lexi

4) Added new phone backgrounds


  • Some work on the UI of the MC's diary/notebook
  • The pop-up system has been redesigned
  • Added emojis to PVU Pics and PVU Chat apps
  • Reduced requirements for intelligence, strength, and lust points in the some events from v0.3.5



Markus K.

Still waiting for the release of the extenden version of the game. Honestly it feels really, really bad to have "early access" to the game on paper but beeing like the last one to be able to play the game as long as I don't want to spoil myself playing the regular version first. To have the release of the extenden version a day later was already not feeling good the last time but this time it's no fun at all. There has to be a better approach to this. You don't want people to make a choice between not being able to play the game at all for several days after initial release or spoiling their game experience by playing the regular version on release and then only come back for the couple of extras later down the line. The most part of the gaming experience for me is to play a game for the first time and not being sure what will happen along the way and how my choices will affect the outcome. This is being take away if I have played the regular version before. Please, reconsider release strategies for the next update to come.

Dream Now

It's a double-edged sword. I also spend time developing additional content from the extended version. And at the moment, it's about 5-6 days. I can wait until the extended version is fully ready and release it at the same time as early access. But I don't think patrons who don't have access to the extended version but do have access to the early release will be happy about it (like most lower-level patrons, since shifting the early access release I shift the general release too). In addition, it is much easier for me to have small breaks between publishing the basic and extended versions, since when preparing them for release, I get confused between these two builds, which again delays the release even more. Third, waiting for the extended version a little longer, you get a game build with fewer bugs, since first the game goes through the early access stage, then the general release stage, and only then gets the extended version. That is, I have 5-6 days to fix the found bugs. And I didn't understand a little about the spoiling of the game exprience. I didn't specify this earlier, but the basic version contains the entire main plot and all the necessary scripts. Playing the basic version, you immediately open access to certain bonuses from the extended version via persistence and variables, just to access them, you will have to wait for the release of the extended version. Scenes from the extended version are not part of the plot (most of them), they only show alternative versions of the development of certain events. Therefore, I believe that it is acceptable for most players to go through the story part and get some bonus content in a few days. While I was writing this, I realized another inconvenient point, maybe that's what you meant. This means that when you download the basic version, you lose access to extra scenes from previous versions. If that's the problem, I apologize.


i am new here. i have downloaded the pc verison but how do I open up the game?

Dream Now

Unpack the archive and run "University_of_Problems.exe" or "University_of_Problems-32.exe"


I am not the OP. But although I would love the extended version to come out with the early release. I understand that you are one person and this takes time. I would rather wait and have a great extended version experience over getting the extended version earlier and it being not as great as I would have wanted. All in all, what I'm trying to say is that while it sucks to wait a bit, I would rather wait than have a rushed finish. So if the trade off to a great extended version content means waiting a bit after release of the new update. I am perfectly okay with that. But in addition to that final point. Is there any way to some how have something in the basic version of the new update to read a save file script that says we have access to the extended version material while playing the basic version new update?

Markus K.

Thanks for your reply. Although I fully understand all the points you have brought up I still feel different from my perspective about how a release should be done. Usually you would first make a release available to higher tiers with the extenden version. Then it would be early access to the regular version and finally the general release of the regular version. But since it is your game it will be your rules and that is fine. I mostly wanted to point out that this somehow does not feel good from my side. I usually only play a game once without wanting to replay scenes only because they got expanded or changed. That's what I meant when I said I wouldn't want myself spoiled by playing the early access release first (where I get to play all story). Then days later get back to the game and play through all (or certain aspects again) without the novelty of the first playthrough, just to see the extenden/alternate scenes. So my experience will typically look like this with the current release strategy: pass early access and possibly even general release (depending on the actual release for the extended version) and only then, after most people already played the latest update, I will finally be able to play the extended version. I hope I made it a bit clearer now what I already tried to say in my initial post. Another possible solution could be how AZ (patreon.com/azrd) handles his bonus content. He only releases one version of the main game and then has bonus stories that will become available to higher tiers first and subsequently to everybody else. This bonus content could either be side stories or extended stories or even stories with well known characters from the game but now in a sort of parallel universe.

Dream Now

Nick, unfortunately, there is no way to keep access to the content from the previous extended version when the new basic version is released. This problem can be solved when I finally sort out the hierarchy of game files and add the ability to update the game with patches.

Dream Now

Markus K, I see your point. To date, I have not yet found the optimal mode for releasing Extended/Basic versions updates. The monthly update mode has its pros and cons, so I'm looking for ways to optimize my work and find a middle ground. So this is not the final solution to this issue and the release schedule will change in the future. But probably for the next couple of updates (or maybe for one) everything will be the same as in the case of v0.4.0.

Rene Valdez

New here as well. Joined for the extended version and even downloaded the patch but do I need to download the basic version first?