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Looking to promote Delta Green? Actual plays are awesome. We love them. We also love fan-made creations. Send 'em on! But what's the best?


If you've read any of our books, please consider dropping a brief review of it on DriveThruRPG.

Especially our Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game core set. Or God's Teeth. Despite being among our best sellers, they have far less reviews than Impossible Landscapes.

Get in there, Agents! 




Hello Dennis. Big fan of your work and will more than happily review. I've reviewed over on Goodreads! I love the published modules but as a new handler (and sort of new to gm-ing in general) I'm having some issues with preparing them. Just wondering if you had any advice or tips on how you would prepare to run a published module? Thanks in advance if you get the time to answer, apologies as well as I know this is a pretty meaty question. Cheers!


Hey Nathan. Well, I guess the biggest note is that the scenarios are a guideline, at best. Players ALWAYS go where they want to go, and sometimes, they go right off the edge of the written scenario. What I do when I'm running something I didn't write is break it up into clear scenes, make a list of all the key NPCs and clues, and try to match the two up. For example, in THE NIGHT FLOORS, I might make a scene called: LOUIS POST'S APARTMENT -Louis Post NPC (notes) -Meeting with Post (notes) -The Mirror in the room (notes) -Post's "Work" -The Drowning Room (involves Daribondi) It's usually that simple. Hope this helps. Cheers,

Sean Moriarty

Just about to leave one on the core set! Ran DG for the first time this semester and me and my friends *loved* it.