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A few months ago, a person named Lee in China sent me a message.

I hope this message finds you well. My name is lee and I'm a big fan of Delta Green from China. Along with my team, I've been translating Delta Green content to make it accessible for our fellow fans here. This is a non-profit effort purely borne out of our shared love for the game.
Two years ago, we discovered 'IMPOSSIBLE LANDSCAPES' and were greatly inspired by it. 

We've spent these years translating it, and we're almost done.

We printed a single, physical copy of our translation. Reading a physical book has a different feel to it, something a digital format can't offer. But, as the translation was a team effort, we all felt the book shouldn't be kept by one person.

After discussing, we decided the book should go to you, the author of the beautiful story that inspired us. I hope you won't mind us offering it to you. Would you be willing to accept this small token of our appreciation?

Thank you very much Lee. 

And tell me, have you seen the Yellow Sign?




Good. The infection spreads


That is very cool. They have not just seen it, but have also PRINTED the Yellow Sign.


How do I get this


I need to brush up on my Chinese