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"Undernethe the darked waves, in the gaping abyss, there slepen the Unseen, those of innumerable eye. Tha forms defien man's understanding, twisting in the water's hold like nightmarish figures made flesh. 
Called they rise, by the forbidden lettrs etched upon clay borne of the land, thrown into the sea. Ere coming, a storm of churning waters and blood-soaked surf. Man's pleas to them sound as but whispers lost in the deep, tha answers, roars of the abyssal wind. 
Woe to he who recklessly calls upon the Deep Ones and shall not pay t' price."

The Enigma of Poseidon, a new ritual for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. 




I’m actually stopped at page 169 out of 220 of Denied to The Enemy, looking for the right time to finish it off. Great to see this in game form.


I hope this is fortelling an operation around innsmouth, The Raid, or Black Cod island !


Just following up, finished it and that was a hell of an ending. I’m on to Through a Glass Darkly now.