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We are all working madly on GOD'S TEETH, and the horror grows, bit by bit, piece by piece. Currently, our layout guru Jen McCleary is toiling on the page layouts as I wrap up bits of art.

Here, for the first time, see pages 1-31 of the nightmare book.*

It is such a joy and horror to work with Caleb Stokes to unearth it and release it out into the world.
*We're not looking for feedback on this one yet, but will be...soon. 



bouik bouik

You have good ideas. Lots of ideas. It’s rare nowadays in TTRPGs.


MAN reading through this is so freaking exciting. I'm currently running my group through Impossible Landscapes, and they're absolutely loving it. It may be one of my favorite pieces of literature--let alone game design--I've ever come across; safe to say I'm obsessed in any case. The sort of helplessness found both in IL and seemingly in Teeth is exactly my kind of existential horror and dread, and I'm so stoked to get to see the development process for this. Thank you so much for the unparalleled work you all do!


Thanks Dan, working on it this morning as a matter of fact. My goal is always to make the next book better. And the next book better. And the next book better...


Love this! Any idea on the release timeframe?


We're nearing the end of layout. (All the art and writing is finished, and that's usually the hardest part). We never set dates really, we just try to wait until the product is as good as we can make it. That being said, it should go to press in a few weeks, I think.