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Missing Time is a term that came into the common parlance in the early 1980s, and is usually linked to UFO/Alien Abduction stories (first delved into in detail in Bud Hopkins' book Missing Time in 1981). "Missing Time" is the purported loss of consciousness or memory during a set period of time, during which, usually, it is suspected that the sufferer either performs unknown actions, or is literally kidnapped and subjected to various examinations, conversations, or strangeness by unknown people or entities.




That final option for what the cause is brilliant, and I am so using that against my players when I run again.


Lure the Agents into a support group a la Fight Club


I was IMMEDIATELY drawn to this one too. My gears are turning of how to incorporate it. Like if they want to catch the person at night, maybe a Program Agent administers the drug while the agent is sleeping. Or it's a blow dart.