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Another chunk of IMPOSSIBLE LANDSCAPES for review. Please send all feedback to acell@me.com. Time is short. Soon, the King comes. 





This is an impressive and monumental campaign - not by length but with the sheer amount of strings that needs to be put together. After scouring the PDFs, I fear that this requires too much from me as a Handler to run (although I'll do my best to make it work). What are your recommendations for us Handlers to tackle this big elephant?


The best advice I have: -Take extensive notes. -Tie the player's suppositions back into the narrative. -When you get the final PDF, there will be a handouts/props section- use it. -Remember in surreal horror everything can be turned on its head and still make sense. And last, -If you don't feel you're up to it, that's fine. No need to push the envelope of what you're comfortable with.


I want to give it a go, definitely. Looks like it will be a couple read throughs and extensive notes. Thanks!


Just like eating any elephant...one bite at a time.


Hey Ben, I've been fortunate enough to gather a significantly large (8) and mature group of DG players. At least one is a full co-GM and two are playing expanded NPCs. Between the 4 of us, I imagine it will be much better to cover all the details. I feel like especially in dramatic RP games, I am legit a "director" with a player or two helping me "behind the screen" with NPCs etc.