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A rural valley in northern Alabama has always been prone to severe cold snaps. On December 22, 1998, the worst “Jack Frost” storm in history hit the farming town of Willis. A lingering freeze and sudden floods killed dozens. Your players get a ground view of that apocalyptic storm. As government scientists with an ultra-secret UFO research project, they suspect that something otherworldly is at work. Their investigation may reveal a threat more vast and terrifying than any extraterrestrial entity. “Jack Frost” is a scenario for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game, featuring the other side of one of Delta Green’s deadliest conflicts: the researchers and special operators of the lethal MAJESTIC program.

Playtesters and proofers! Here's a very old, new scenario from the rotting brain of Shane Ivey. Give it a whirl or a read and get back to me with feedback by the end of September. Please send feedback to acell@me.comt (not in the comments here, it will be lost). Enjoy!



Kristoph Yakeba

Here's a reference I doubt many people caught: Project SONNET was the same one as from PX Poker Night, so the first pregen is partially responsible for the events of that scenario.