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UPDATE: HERE IS THE WHOLE SET IN PDF (see attachments below). 

Missing from the huge lineup of the King In Yellow Tarot here is the IV of Coins. 



Thomas Cunningham

This deck features yet another version of the Yellow Sign along with the original Chaosium version and the golden beetle from the cover of the annotated edition. Perhaps the Yellow Sign appears different depending on who is viewing it.

Thomas Cunningham

I'm replying to one of my own comments because I just came up with something. What if when your players first encounter The Yellow Sign you hand out to each player a card with a different version of the sign on it, saying that the symbol is what their character sees? Player 1: "Okay so what does the beetle mean?" Player 2: "Beetle? what beetle?" Player 1: "The symbol. It's a beetle." Player 2: "..." Player 1: "...isn't it?" Handler: *chuckles quietly to himself*


It looks gorgeous! Unfortunately, the inserted IV of Coins seems to have a different resolution from the rest? Don't mean to be pedantic, I just really love the Tarot and am thinking of fabricating a set for myself. Great work!


That’s just the output of the rough PDF. It won’t look like that in final.