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I’ve seen the question pop up everywhere from the gaming table to the Delta Green Mailing List, to RPGnet. It always goes something like this:

“If a **INSERT MYTHOS MONSTER** is so horrific to HUMANS wouldn’t THAT mean WE would look horrific to **INSERT MYTHOS MONSTER**?”

Uh. No. Anyone who’s read Lovecraft understands a few basic principles of his cosmic horror work (and by this, I’m excluding his more Dunsanyian fantasies). We used these principles to build the world of Delta Green.

Humanity is stupid. Not only does it not understand its situation, it CAN’T understand it’s situation.

We are a backwards species, trapped in a biological world-view which can never feature the truth. To quote the Red Dragon “we are ants in the afterbirth”. Our minds — even the minds of those who try to embrace such concepts — lack the facility to truly understand them. At best they are lensed through the primitive ideas of religion or science. To the Great Old Ones each are beyond a joke; they aren’t even considered. Humanity is bacterium in the guts of some huge, sleeping beast. 

Everything that has occurred on Earth since the beginning of “life” has been nothing more than a bit of spilled milk. The Great Old Ones will return and clean it up. Darwinian evolution, basic physical laws, and more mean nothing in the face of the Great Old Ones. We are trapped in a bubble of stability from which we will rise to find a completely hostile and destructive Universe. Even then we will not understand the depths of the situation. And then we will be gone. Another dead end in the cosmology of the Universe.

Other entities have ruled the universe/space/time and will rule again in a way humanity will never achieve or stop.

The truth of the Great Old Ones return is often misquoted to humans as “serve this entity and it will favor you upon its return”. This should most likely read “serve this entity and it will destroy you first upon its return”. The implacable approach of the end of the cycle of “sleep” the Great Old Ones are currently in is the equivalent of a countdown.

When they return, it will not only be humanity which burns. Everything we have ever known on Earth, everything we consider solid through the application of scientific principles will collapse into a singularity of horror that the human mind could never contain.
Life on Earth is a cosmic mistake.

Though it is a bit unclear what created the cascade of life on Earth, it IS clear it was an alien species of some sort. The Elder Things, their Shoggoth servants or the Mi-Go are likely suspects. But “create” is a misnomer...life started in a way a mold from a dropped test-tube might eventually overrun a properly lit lab.

Darwinian evolution is true, but it overlooks the main principle of Lovecraft’s universe: there is ultimately no point for it except cosmic reflex. The first life on Earth was borne of creatures infinitely more complex than life on Earth today. This inherent need to survive, thrive and grow has been passed on in the form of Darwinian evolution.

In the end, none of this matters; the slate will be wiped clean and the cycle will begin anew.
Other forms of life higher than us on the consciousness food-chain understand all these things and it doesn’t phase them.

Not all sentient entities are set to suffer humanity’s fate. Creatures such as the Mi-Go and Elder Things understand the truth, and work within the system in a way which is completely beyond human understanding. So much so that humans exposed to Mi-Go in the past have mistaken Mi-Go science for Mi-Go religion.

This answers the original question handily. Aliens above humanity on the cosmic scale not only understand humanity’s plight and don’t care, they understand the threat of the Great Old Ones and are prepared to preserve their species in a way humanity could never even comprehend, much less copy.

So no, Virginia, the Mi-Go wouldn’t be scared too.




"Humanity is stupid." Indeed, and to quote Ron White, "you can't fix stupid".


I've never thought of humanity as incapable of understanding the concepts, simply that for an individual to understand those concepts would require a mental shift that makes them effectively inhuman (so I guess the principle that humans can't understand the mythos still stands)