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Thanks to our fans (and especially to our Patreon contributors) I am honored to announce that Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game and associated products have been nominated for SEVEN ENnie awards. 

This is a personal record for us, and is in no small part to fervent community of Delta Green agents out there in the wild who make these books possible. You rock. It's because of your support that Delta Green—which is created together by a tiny team of people—is matched in ENnie noms only by a company with tons of full-time employees (like Paizo, or Chaosium). The quality and love we put into these products is BECAUSE of people like you believing in us. So, again, thanks.  

We are up for the following awards (and you can purchase them at the links below):

• Best Adventure- Delta Green: A Night At The Opera 

• Best Electronic Book- Delta Green: A Night At The Opera 

• Best Game- Delta Green:The Role-Playing Game 

• Best Production Values-Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game 

• Best Rules- Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game 

• Best Writing- Delta Green: The Way It Went Down 

• Product of the Year- Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game 

Now a lot of people say "it's just an honor to be nominated," (and it is), but screw that, WE WANT TO WIN! What can you Delta Green fans do to help? It is MOST LITERALLY a popularity contest, so...you can VOTE FOR DELTA GREEN! 

Voting for the ENnies Awards will be open from July 11, 2018- July 21, 2018 at 11:59pm EDT! 

VOTE FOR DELTA GREEN HERE JUL 11-JUL21: http://www.ennie-awards.com

Please get out and vote (and get you Delta Green players to vote as well!) Let's show them why Delta Green punches well above its weight! 




Congratulations :D


Well deserved. The Delta Green version of BRP is THE best version, it's what CoC 7 should have been.