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Some great news you'll hear here first. Pagan Publishing founder and Delta Green co-creator John Scott Tynes is returning to the world of DG with an all-new sourcebook. 

In an encrypted message left in an unlisted voicemail drop John told us: “After completing the new edition of Puppetland for Arc Dream last year and contributing to the new edition of Unknown Armies for Atlas Games, I found myself haunted by strange dreams of an America plagued by discord, ruled by monsters, and slouching towards one of several moral or literal apocalypses. Fortunately, none of that is happening in the real world so this seemed like the perfect time to explore these completely fictional ideas in the world of Delta Green.”

We're very excited to have John back in the world he was so fundamental in shaping. His first book will be—Delta Green: The Labyrinth.

The Labyrinth takes Delta Green agents beyond the beltway and deep into the fissures of America in the new millennium. From Silicon Valley startups to industrialist Super-PACs, from Oregon anarchist collectives to alt-right activists, from the depths of Reddit to today’s livestreams, American life has entered a labyrinth of twisty passages all alike. And just like a circle, one measures a labyrinth beginning anywhere.

This all-new collection of organizations presents ready-made sources of allies, enemies, mysteries, and surprises for your Delta Green campaign. Each group has its own story arc, progressing through three stages as it encounters Delta Green agents and the evils they fight. Some groups corrode, wither, and die. Others gain hideous strength and uncover profound new horrors. Each has connections to other groups, ensuring that players find fresh hells at every turn. But all are destined to change — and the journey each one takes holds up a mirror to the agents themselves.

Because things fall apart. The center cannot hold. And once you enter the Labyrinth, you will never escape.

Look for it on Kickstarter, soon... Previews will be available on Patreon and Drip.




The Tynes is back :O


Super stoked for this