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A brand new Operation for Delta Green. 

The town is small. It huddles in low arroyos, yucca, pits, and plains of the Arizona desert. It's not near anything, anymore, but once it was next to the Naval Medical Annex at Fly Field. The people who worked in the annex lived in the town. The janitors and clerks and doctors all called the town their home, and for two decades, the town blossomed.

Now, that flower has faded. The annex is closed, the highway bypassed the town, but still, it has managed to hang on. Now, 636 people call the town their home, working for the lone enterprise there: Marine Corps Publications.

Outside, black flattop, sun devils and nothing waits for them, each and every day. Few ever leave.
Something evil has stirred and holds them in check. It once lived in a tank at the

Naval Medical Annex, but now, it haunts the area like the thin clouds which cover the sky each morning, turning the sun blood red. Sometimes, it is thick and choking. Other times, it's a skein so barely there it's easy to forget it exists at all.

The evil settled in as the years went on. Fly Field became Yuma Army Airfield, then Yuma County Airport, then Vincent Air Force Base, then Yuma Air Force Station, and then, finally, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma. The evil found the bones of every resident of the town and is sewn into the fabric of every child born there.

It's there, and to the locals (although they don't know it) above all, it's familiar. The evil remains. It's found a place in the minds of the town. It squats and watches and sometimes makes them do things. Horrible things.

It punishes them. It punishes them for how it was punished in those tanks at the annex.

After all, no one is innocent. They have many crimes to atone for, out there in the dust.




Ooooh ok, that's why I added "rumors" in my games of strange sounds and lights from the base. I didn't get from the text that they were also pointing at the base or at the bike tracks. I thought the only way to follow the tracks was the house :)


I started my players with Cold Dead Hands and let them keep their Soviet Soldier characters. So I'm running a variant of this relocated to the end of the soviet era and in the closed city of Kurchatov in Kazakhstan. I did want to ask your thoughts on deciding who is and isn't a Marsh puppet, specifically I'm wondering about the Sheriff.