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Here are six rituals for the Delta Green Handler’s Guide, which we cut due to lack of space. The psychic abilities, for example, would have required a section on the presence of psychic powers in the setting, as well as notes for the Handler on the risks of giving such potent abilities to players (we’ve provided some notes). It seemed wiser to save them for the PISCES book, which deals with psychic Talents directly (and they will be addressed in more detail there). The “Dreaming Door” ritual raised all kinds of questions about the Dreamlands that we just did not have room to cover in the Handler’s Guide. And “Bottled Soul,” drawn from Lovecraft’s “The Strange High House in the Mist,” was just too specific and weird. 

I encourage you to make up a new Delta Green scenario revolving around one of these rituals (some examples are provided). Explore the implications of its use. How does the promise of its unnatural power seduce the operator who attempts it? And in what unintended ways does it warp and worsen the operator’s life? 




I feel like I might use the Dreaming Door ritual in a scenario with the Tadjbegskye Bratva mentioned in the Handler's Guide. Are there any plans to expand on the Bratva in future supplements?


Go with works at your table right here right now, retcon is 'problem' for when new material comes out ;D


Oh. I think the very British Professor who recently joined my player team (and who, in his 'experience with the unnatural' backstory, brought a Shan to the US) will soon be finding that direct brain contact with an unnatural entity has begun to awaken some of his inherent psychic ability...