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Hey guys, here's the final, edited text from the Delta Green operation, VISCID. Enjoy!




Do you have anything to say on the Patreon fee changes? I am really annoyed at them - I would love to continue supporting, but a 35% increase in cost is ridiculous- especially as as far as I can see only a small percentage of that will go to you (if anything)... I am considering closing my account because of this- I just think it is very wrong.


I too am annoyed and I wrote Patreon a nasty-gram about it; but there's little I can do unfortunately. I'm looking at Drip right now (run by Kickstarter) as an alternative.


thank you for the reply. I want to continue supporting you, but I'd much rather pay say 100 dollars a year with a one off fee for whoever than 45 dollars with the same fee being taken on every single payment.


I completely understand, and if you think you're upset; imagine all the creators. None of us have any input or control on this. It's just a bad decision made for all the wrong reasons.