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I updated the Men x Men lot trait and added a new lot trait called gay cruising as suggested, so you should be able to have lots with usual townies during day, but with only gay people during nights.

The gay cruising lot trait will only be effective during night, from 21PM to ~8-9AM. If you applied the trait for the first time while it was already around the night, keep in mind that it will only work for the following next nights.

This new lot trait conflict with the lot trait that is applied during all day. So you will not be able to chose them both at once, just chose the one you want.

Due to how the game handle spawning sims, some sims can be stuck around the "entrance" spot of the lot for some time, but usually it's not that bad.

The traits works the same just there's a version that will work only during nights. It ake it so only males sims sexually attracted by others mens or exploring will spawn on lot, and it will attract more sims in general.

I also blacklisted Greg/winter father, tragic clown and the bunny npcs so they shouldn't appear anymore.

Installation :

Just put it inside your mod folder. You can remove the previous version.


Luther Duncan

I am soooooo pleased about this ! thank you


this trait works wonders....I love it