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I'm taking one week break and even if it's not a full month, I decided to pause billing for April.

If you are already pledging, you will not be charged for the month of April. If you pledge right now, you will be charged when you pledge once but not for the month of April, usually the first day of the month.

I will come back with new animations, mods and others sexy stuff! So stay tuned! I will still be active to answer to DMs there and on discord even during the one week break.

Thank you for your awesome support!



You're literally the best WW animator out there! Love ya Khlas!

Morin Mathieu

Ty so much ! have a good break :-)

Mark Gabbert

Appreciate that my friend. There are not to many creators if any, would do that for their members, and I have seen you do it countless of times. Your work speaks for itself.


I'm a little late but thank you and have a good break <3


Hello, I'm having issues trying to join your discord! I was wanting to know if you shared cc of your sims, not your sim specifically. Thank you and take care!


Hey, You need to link your discord account to your patreon account. https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Getting-Discord-access