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It’s nice to see the bodyguard trope is as strong and loved as ever, lol!

We’ve talked quite a lot about our ‘other’ love interest routes now: the bodyguard, and the matchmaker.

So I thought it was time we moved onto our royal love interests, which will work well for talking about planning out backstories.

Sometimes, when planning out a story route, you know exactly what you want and the character falls into it no problem.

But other times you have a character you love with no idea for a story for them.

…What do you do then?

Well, as you’re all aware by now, I like to break it down! In the same way we did for the locations and personality, we can breakdown a character backstory too.

So let’s take our royal prince/princess from another kingdom.

Already we have a question to start off the backstory: Why have they been sent/come to try and win the hand of our MC?

We know our MC has suddenly become an unexpected but very wealthy heir to a vast kingdom, and that’s the reason everyone has a very sudden interest in winning their hand.

So is it money? Is their kingdom running low and marrying the MC would secure their homeland’s position better?

Is it power? Is our royal love interest fifth in line for their own throne so thought they’d take a chance at being ruler beside someone of another kingdom?

Is it a bit of rebellion? Maybe they are the ‘spare’ to the heir of their own kingdom but have defied their parents and marrying into a new kingdom to spite them?

Already, just from one question, we have three different possibilities of motivations. And motivations can really help us form backstories.

Let’s take, for example, the rebellion storyline. If our heir is doing it to spite their parents—why are they doing it?

As the ‘spare’ heir, it’s possible that they were treated like they were wrapped in cotton wool. They weren’t allowed to learn to ride in case they fell off, they weren’t allowed to play with other children in case of injuries, they weren’t allowed to learn the subjects they wanted as they weren’t useful for potential royals, and they always stood in the shadow of their sibling who was to be heir.

Well, already we have a strong idea of this character and the backstory that could develop around them.

Someone who had been coddled but has enough of a strength and independence to want to break free and find a life of their own.

As you might be getting, a lot of the times backstories for characters aren’t actually formed on their initial creation, and instead it can take some time for it to come together, which can begin to lead to the actual storyline you want for them!

I already know this love interest’s motivations for seeking to marry the MC, and I will keep it secret as I actually plan to turn this into an actual game and want to leave it for you guys to discover!

So for the poll, I’m going for something a bit different: the type of kingdom this royal prince/princess has come from!

Can’t wait to see what you decide for that, as it could change things quite a bit in the story I am starting to form for them! We’re closing in on the end of this series soon, and it’ll be exciting starting to transform it into something real :D


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