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“I’m sure that’s right…” I mumble, frowning as I stare down at the file, swinging my pen from one box on the form to the other like I’m performing some kind of paperwork scrying spell.

After checking for the third time, I give a satisfied nod and sit back.

“You seriously need a hobby,” a voice announces from the doorway of the common room, making me flinch.

Tane stands, outlined by the light from the corridor, looking far more attractive than anyone has a right to.

I moisten my suddenly dry mouth and blink through the dark. Whipping my head around, I notice I’m the only one left in the room, the lights out and the room in a hushed quiet, except for the vibrations that thrum from Tane that always seem to sing to me in a way only I can hear.

“I’m not going to apologise for enjoying my work,” I state tersely.

He lifts one shoulder and steps into the room. The space instantly fills with his presence.

“Good for you,” he replies. “Doesn’t make it right though. There’s a whole world out there. People who would actually like to see you outside of a professional capacity.”

“And that would be you, I guess?” I ask, my voice edging on teasing that I just can’t keep contained.

“I havebeen asking for months,” he reminds me, stepping closer and almost stealing my breath. My body arches forwards, my suppressed need for him obvious in my response, even as I try to shove it back down.

But it’s always impossible when he’s in any kind of proximity.

“Because persistence is an oh-so attractive trait,” I quip.

He tilts his head, the slightest concern catching his brows. “Do you want me to stop?”

I know he would immediately if I wanted it.

“No,” I admit. It’s hardly like I’m not completely smitten with him in return.

He smiles, lips curling up to reveal slightly sharpened canines—the only hint of him being more than he appears. “Do you need some help?”

I sigh and lean back in my chair, rubbing at the back of my neck. “I’d appreciate it.”

With a nod, he walks closer and takes the chair beside mine.

I become intensely aware of everything about him this close. The way he smells faintly of the sea, the strength but suppleness of his muscles, the faintest curve to his otherwise straight jawline. My fingers ache with the temptation to run my fingers along the shape of it and capture it to memory.

I breathe out a long breath to stifle those thoughts.

“Here,” I say, passing over a pile of forms. “I just need these checked and stamped off.”

“Can do,” he states, settling down instantly. Concentration forms a slight knot between his brows, and once more, temptation has me wanting to smooth it out with my fingers.

His gaze drifts to me. “It’s kind of hard to concentrate with you staring at me so lustfully.”

“It’s not lustfully.”

“It’s definitely lustfully.”

“Maybe it’s a little bit lustfully.”

Triumph has him chuckling, the laugh more of a feeling than a sound that rumbles all the way through me. “Do you want to head out with me after this?”

Desperately. I just about manage to keep that answer from spilling from me, straightening out before giving a nod. “I’d like that.”

With a remaining smile, he focuses back on work, leaning his head in his palm as he flicks through the papers with focus.

I, on the other hand, struggle to keep my eyes on my paperwork for more than two seconds before my gaze drifts back to him. A smile catches me too. I only hope our ‘date’ is as good as the five hundred dates I’ve already daydreamed about having with him…




Oh Tane 👀💕


This made me so happy … and I can’t help think this is why they’re Alpha! Everyone willing to pitch in with the paperwork