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“You’re gonna create a scandal if you leave that there,” Tamiko comments, her arms folded as she leans in the doorway behind me, her gaze focused on what I’m doing.

I glance over my shoulder up at her from where I’m crouched on the ground, letting out a snort. “A scandal? What are you? From the 1800’s?”

Her lips pout as a frown cuts across her brow. “Are you calling me old?”

“Me?” I press a hand to my chest and shake my head. “I would never.” A mischievous smile tilts my lips. “How long do werewolves live anyway?”

She rolls her eyes. “Very funny.”

I keep my smile as I return to my work. Adding useful technology to the Agency might create a scandal—the whole place apparently allergic to anything that isn’t paper or ancient magics—but at this point it’s needed. With a potential mole running around taking what ever information they want, extra security—beyond the pretty runes and spells—is very much needed.

I step back from the fingerprint and bio-scanner with a proud nod. “What do you think?”

“Looks like it’ll last a day before you have to come back and take it out,” she states.

I angle my head to her. “That’s probably what people said when they were installing electricity.”

She sucks in a deep breath. “Come on. You still have three more of these contraptions to fit after you convinced the Chamber to let you install them.”

“It didn’t take much,” I admit as we walk on, shifting the tool bag at my side.

She scoffs. “I bet. One look at that smile, and they probably would let you do anything.”

“It doesn’t do me much good with you,” I tease.

“That’s because I need more than a pretty face and sparkling smile to convince me to do anything,” she says.

I shrug. “Then how about just a simple request?”

She pauses, arching a brow as she looks at me with interest, a strand of straight dark hair falling in front of her eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Do you want to get dinner with me after this?” I ask. The question is casual, easy…but the inside of me is anything but. I hold my gaze steady as my stomach whirls with nerves, my heart thudding like a runaway train in my chest.

Thankfully, Tamiko never takes note of my emotional reactions, even when she must be able to sense them. She only ever works on what she can see. Something I am eternally grateful for, especially at this moment.

She rolls her lips together, distracting me with the thought of how soft they would feel against mine, before nodding. “Yeah, alright.”

“’Yeah, alright?’” I wheeze out, ending with a laugh. “That’s it?”

“What were you expecting? Swooning and batting of my lashes?”

I shrug again. “I mean…I wouldn’t say I would mind it.”

She steps in closer, close enough that the full effect of her round face and stunningly soft features almost make me falter. “Oh [Name], how I would love dinner with you! It feels like my life has been incomplete until this very moment when you’ve given me purpose.”

I wither as I gaze at her. “I get the point.”

She smiles and suffering through her mocking suddenly becomes worth it to see that. When her hands brush against mine at my sides, my brain almost ceases to function.

“[Name],” she begins, much softer and brighter, “I would love dinner with you.”

I slip my fingers into hers, breaking into a smile of my own as she grasps them in return. “How long have you been waiting for me to ask?”

She tugs me even closer until we’re almost flush together. “Long enough.”

Hope glimmers deep in her gaze, flickering to my lips with enough intensity that they part under her attention.

“If you keep looking at me that way, you’re gonna create a scandal,” I murmur, almost closing the gap.

“It’s what comes after the look I’m hoping will cause that,” she whispers in return, brushing her lips purposefully against mine as she speaks.

My body breaks into shivers, my nerves aflame with the teasing touch, and any thought beyond her is completely lost.



Ant Lrt

An Unit Alpha one shot book would be a dream ngl (or Unit Victor) but it'd be greedy right? Lol


Okay, this was my favorite so far from UA. The scenario was cute, and I love the heat. Tamiko is like a nicer version of M, lol.