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"I just came to say hello,” the reporter starts, and Morgan can already tell that’s a lie. Not just by the way the woman’s heart jumps in her chest but by the focused attention she’s laying on [Name].

Irritation prickles through Morgan, but she holds it in through a crunch of her teeth.

“I was in one of the stores, saw you over here, and thought it was the nice thing to do.” The reporter raises her hands with what Morgan supposes she thinks is an innocent smile but just looks twisted. "That's all."

Farah scoffs. "Uh-huh." Morgan couldn’t have put it better herself.

That should have been it. The reporter should leave. Morgan is tempted to make her. But instead she lingers eyeing [Name] with an attention that has Morgan’s nerves firing.

The reporter glances over the group of them standing behind [Name] with a careful sweep. "Maybe it would be better to catch you another time. It's always better when you're…alone."

"Who the hell would want to be alone with you?" Morgan snorts, but an uneasiness makes her already firing nerves burn with lightning electricity.

Satisfaction seizes the reporter at Morgan’s obvious annoyance. “[Name] apparently does. Certainly after what happened last time we were alone."

Morgan’s gaze shifts to [Name] and the sudden way they stiffen, eyes widening.

A sinking feeling rocks in her stomach.

And she doesn’t like it. Doesn’t like having feelings yanked from her by someone else. Doesn’t like having this reporter play with them like this.

Morgan’s just about to make it known just how much she doesn’t like it when the reporter’s next words drain all the heat from her body.

"Thinking about that kiss…it still makes me tingle."

Silence drops across them.

She thought she didn’t like the feelings before but this…this she hates.

Her stomach wavers like the ground beneath her is shifting. Her skin pricks with painful heat. And her chest…it hurts. Its hollowed. Like someone has taken a spoon and carved out a chunk of what’s inside her ribs.

She doesn’t think on why it’s that way. It just is.

Words cut out of her before she can stop them. "Guess I was wrong. I'm not the only one you're seeing naked." She then marches away from the source of the pain she can’t seem to shift.


Exana Zen

I cannot begin to explain how much I NEED to read the A version of this reveal


I have lots of questions. Is this what happens if I chose Bobby to be my MC's ex? If so, then this would be real. Ufff, I would love to read this in book 4, yet, not Bobby, but someone from another team, another Unit. The mermaids had the eyes on my MC. That would be so good to make Morgan jealous.