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This has been a popular ask recently and I thought it would be fun to flip it and hear the answers from your MC's point of view!

Can't wait to read these! 



Melina Piepho

That was a tough question and I'm still thinking about the others. Only Adam's words were immediately in my head. “Everything is fine.” I crave these words and at the same time they would scare me the most. Depending on what his eyes say. Update: I was really racking my brain… really… But my character doesn't care what they say: sweet talk, mean things. That's just what they are: Words. (yeah, some words make me purr😄) It is always important to my detective that they feel safe enough to be who they are. Whether as lovers or “just” friends. Simply them, with all their advantages and all their faults. I hope the answer is valid😅

fallabeau faebelle

Jesse/Ava Wants: Jesse has a poor relationship with Rebecca and had a troubled youth. More than anything, he wants Ava to be affectionate with him. Not something he needs to hear so much as needs shown. Needs: "This is real." Jesse is ready to stop being gaslit for real XD he just wants to know these feelings aren't one-sided. Dreads: "You're simply the mission. There are no feelings." After being used by Bobby, being used by someone he gives his heart to again is the worst case scenario. Jesse/M Wants: Similar to with Ava, Jesse wants a physical connection. Early in his relationship with M, he mistakes it for sexual intimacy but quickly discovers that's not fulfilling enough. He wants something real. Needs: "I'm ready to try." M has made a lot of efforts in their relationship already. Jesse is able to be patient, but he does need them to decide soon if their "playtime" can be something more or not. Dreads: "It doesn't mean anything." Jesse knew what he was getting into, but things have changed. He was used by Bobby once before and almost used by Bobby in Book 2, so it'd make him feel totally unloveable if M only sees him as valuable if he's serving her sexual desires and not wanting a real relationship with him. Fallon/Farah Wants: A bit of seriousness! Fal connects to Far the most when she's real with her. She's a more intimidating and genuine person, so she can get frustrated by Farah's goofiness. Needs: At the same time, Fal needs Farah's light in her life. She brings heart into perspective, forcing Fallon to consider a new and softer perspective. Opposites attract, and Farah helps bring Fallon into balance within herself. Dreads: "I can never forgive myself." Knowing enough of Farah's past, Fallon would be heartbroken if Farah carried guilt forever. She wants to preserve Farah's light and desperately wants to protect and shield her from anything that threatens that, but it's hard to do when that darkness lives inside her. Fallon has to get to a point to realize she can't make Farah's pain go away nor can she stop her from getting hurt, but she can be there for her now and love her and that's enough. Fallon/Nate Wants: Fallon wants to let herself be more emotionally available for Nate. Luckily, he's been very patient with her. Mostly she doesn't see Nate's flaws and puts any strain on their relationship on her shoulders. What she wants is to not feel like she's not good enough for him. Needs: No more secrets... Fallon is pretty open about her past but she doesn't have much to hide. And she's so far been respectful about Bravo's privacy. She's going to feel a little jaded later that Nate hasn't been as open with her as she's going to feel she had to live up to an image of perfection (that she imposed on herself) for someone who was just as "human" as she is. Dreads: "You like him more than me... don't you?" Fallon started off on the Love Triangle path before choosing Nate. She and Adam are very similar people and she and Nate are more compliments of each other. Fallon still feels a spark between her and Adam, but she's resolved to be loyal to Nate. If he thought she would ever stray from that, she'd be devastated.