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Sleep seduces me. It caresses my body with soft fingers, luring me to it with whispers of sweet dreams as I lounge across the sofa in the living room. The fire plays wingman to sleep, its warmth encouraging me closer to the siren song of it.

Christmas day was long but perfect. After spending it with Unit Bravo, feasting and playing an awful but hilarious game of charades where Nat only knew the title of books and Ava knew even less than that, I am ready to fall into an awaiting slumber.

So when it’s disturbed by a grunt, I frown up at Morgan, who is staring down at me.

“Yes?” I prompt after a moment of silence.

“Do you want to do something?” she asks.

My brows shoot up as I heave myself up onto my elbows. “It’s kind of late for that, isn’t it?” Outside, late evening deepens the darkness outside, even swallowing the glimmer of the snow blanketing the entirety of the town.

Her fangs glint in the firelight as she smiles tightly. “Not for a vampire.”

“Well, I don’t know if you remember, but I’m actually not a vampire,” I taunt with a smirk of my own.

She sighs, offering out a hand. “Come on. It’ll be worth it.”

I groan but slide my fingers into hers to help haul me up from my cozy spot on the sofa.

She continues to hold my hand as she leads me into the foyer, grabbing our coats, and then heading out into the wintery night of Wayhaven.


My breath leaves little wisps of ice as we go, Morgan marching ahead of me with purpose.

“So where are we going exactly?” I ask as she leads me deeper into the forest, thick shadows biting with frosted teeth at our heels.

“I’m pretty sure it’s this way,” she states.

I roll my eyes. “Because that really makes me feel better about all of this.”

But although the chill depth of the wintery night should be washing me in strokes of anxiety…I’m calm. With Morgan’s hand still in mine, her confidence and security are all I feel.

It’s only ten minutes later until we leave the thick spread of trees and find ourselves at the entering road to Wayhaven. Morgan leads me along until we’re at the entrance to the Christmas tree lot.

I glance about the space, a lot less lively than the last time we were here. “Did you get the sudden need to decorate some trees again?”

“I will never have the urge to decorate a tree, sweetheart/handsome,” she replies before tugging me suddenly up against her, our bodies flush together.

Her lips curve into a smile that should be illegal in its devastation. “I thought we could finish what we started.”

I shake my head in confusion. “What did we start?”

She nudges her head upwards, and I follow the movement.

Above us, looking a little more frostbitten than before, is the tiny piece of mistletoe we’d found ourselves beneath during our stakeout.

I laugh. “I can’t believe you actually remembered.”

“I remember everything I do with you,” she states without reservation.

The words send a rush of something deep through me that I’m not sure I want to analyse. Instead, I simply ask for what I want most in that moment.

“Then kiss me.”

She doesn’t need telling twice.

Grasping the back of my neck, she brings our lips together in a wash of heat and expectation. There will never be another kiss with anyone else that will stir in me the same feeling as Morgan always calls from me.

The excitement of Christmas has nothing on the flurry that she sends fluttering through every limb and nerve. My body thrums with a need for her as my heart calls for hers.

Her heartbeat erupts in reply against my chest as we press to each other, deepening the kiss until I’m dizzy.

When we draw apart, my breath stirs the air between us. Her eyes rove over my face, lingering on the depth of my returned gaze, before dropping to my parted lips, and back up again.

“What is it about you, sweetheart/handsome?” she murmurs out, running her fingertips across my bottom lip with the flashing gaze that lets me know she’d rather be doing it with her tongue.

“What about me?” I manage to breathe out.

Her gaze burns into mine. “Why can’t I stay away?”

“…Do you wish you could?” Fear of the answer catches my words.

She shakes her head. “Not even for a second.”

I catch her lips in another kiss, knowing words aren’t enough.

I’m half-conscious of the thought that it was good we never got that moment beneath the mistletoe until now…or the trees might have had a few more comments to throw our way.



Thomas Fieldburn

Well, this is officially the best one.


I love her SO MUCH.