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Today couldn’t have been a more perfect Christmas day.

Nate had cooked a literal feast…even though it was only me and him eating it. Felix had nibbled a few pieces but made a quick halt at the roasted parsnips.

Gathered around the kitchen table, eating the meal, laughing and reminiscing over everything that’s happened…it was bliss. A moment in time that was ours to never be taken.

I smile, even as the cold buries beneath my clothing and claws at my skin. I jog on the spot trying to keep warm, staring over the night-hushed streets of the Square. It’s quickly approaching midnight, and the stars are out in full force above, doing their best to illuminate the area and ward off the chill shadows.

When I hear the crunch of footsteps behind me, I let out a sigh and swing around.

“Finally,” I groan out through slightly chattering teeth.

Adam trails towards me, his muscled form wrapped in his usual grey peacoat, his features dusted in the silver glow of the moon. The sight of him steals my heartbeat for a moment.

“Good evening, Agent,” he greets.

“Good evening,” I murmur in return. “I thought you would have been here already seeing as you’re the one who asked to meet here…in the dead of night.”

He chuckles. It’s a soft sound that has me biting at my lower lip.

“I am punctual,” he states, glancing with an arched brow to the clock tower, which annoyingly shows he’s right.

I wave my hand and nod. ‘Fine. So, what is it we’re doing here?”

“Something I think is necessary. Considering all we’ve been through these past few days.” He spreads an arm out, stepping out of the way slightly so as I can move past.

I narrow my gaze at him before letting out a breath and following to where he’s gestured.

We walk together away from the Square, along Hedgerow Ave, and take a right through the more tree-lined streets.

Houses are dark, settled in a gentle hush, and whispers of snow tingle in the air. If there was ever a romantic walk, it’s this one.

Adam walks closely beside me, the back of his hand brushing against the back of mine. “This is…nice.”

I look at him. “What is?”

“The quiet.” His gaze shifts to me. “The company.”

That draws a smile from me. “I must be the best company if you enjoy being with me without even saying anything.”

“With so much between us going unsaid—do we really need to speak to enjoy being together?” he asks.

My jaw slackens. I’m not entirely sure where this sudden openness and honesty has come from—possibly another Christmas miracle—but it makes my heart sing.

Eventually we make it to the Cornerstones, and I draw to a stop with a frown. “What are we doing here?”

“I thought you may wish to see something,” he says. The mystery around him continues. Curiosity prickles inside of me, driving me on to follow him as he pulls the gate open, and we head inside of the courtyard.

The dream tree stands proud and elegant. Even without its lights illuminated, it manages to sparkle. Tags hang like awaiting dreams, hoping some unseen wish maker will come along and snatch them up to turn them into reality.

Adam leads us closer, until he stops and begins glancing through the tags.

“Looking for mine?” I joke.

He shakes his head before smiling as he grasps a tag, turning to look at me. “Mine.”

With a gentle tug, he unravels the ribbon tying it to the branch and hands it to me.

I haven’t even looked at it yet, but my heart thrums with anticipation in my chest, my body suddenly alight. “You want me to read it?”

“Yes.” Uncertainty catches the edge of his voice. “I do.”

I take the tag, turning it over and spying the curling handwriting written across the cream card. My breath holds.

‘I hope [Name] has all the happiness in the world…a world in which they revolve around me, as much as my entire being revolves around them.’

My hand shakes. I want to store this confession away as though it might dissolve on a breeze. As though it’s the most precious thing I own.

…Because it is.

My gaze whips up to meet his. Fear paints a solid picture across his features.

“You can’t tell me this.” I shake my head. “You can’t. You can’t tell me this and then pretend there’s nothing between us.”

He reaches out, his hand gentle on my neck, his thumb resting against my beating pulse. “How can I when you draw from me emotions I did not think I even had within me?”

My fingers grip into the lapel of his coat, not even realizing my hand had moved. “Then what is happening between us?”

“Something deeper than I had ever thought I would experience. Something I wish with everything I have that we could give into.” A gleam moistens his gaze as he struggles to draw in a jagged breath. “Even if we cannot.”

Hope flares and burns inside of me. “Then can we at least have tonight?”

“It was what I was going to ask of you,” he replies with a soft smile, his hand dropping from my neck to entwine my fingers with his. They are warm and solid and made to fit mine perfectly.

We walk from the courtyard together, leaning into each other as we go, the silence fierce with everything that continues to remain unspoken.

And my wish is only that this night will never end.




Oh we can never catch a break can we? 😫😭🖤


he is so so sweet but so frustrating oh my goddd. Adam you cannot keep doing this to us 😭❤️