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Something a bit different for the Unseen Scene this time around. This is a scene I wrote in Holiday Magic that I scrapped and rewrote.

I actually really love the scene! But it’[s a bit more emotionally heavy that I was going for in this lighter short story, plus it hints at things I’d rather reveal and talk about during the main game!


After walking around a couple of houses, Farah/Felix draws us to a stop, tilting her/his head and pursing her/his lips at the almost blinding displays draped across the houses."

'It's weird,' she/he suddenly states.

'What is?'

'I often think about how different this world is to the Echo World, and I love it for that reason,' she/he begins, glancing to me before back to the house. 'But when I really think about it, there are somethings that are s…the same, in a way. Like lighting the houses. People do the same for Li'yau'fhulis, just with magic or candles.' She/He returns her/his focus to me, an almost wistful kind of sadness making her/his eyes sheen. 'I'd never linked the two before until now.'

'Do you miss it?' I ask.

'…I want to say no, but I think part of me still does, even when I try not to,' she/he says, attempting to force a smile that makes my heart ache.



Ow F! Their attempt at a smile there at the end.. It makes me want to give them a big hug. I do always love getting to see a snippet with F!