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One of my amazingly generous $50 Patrons let me share this personalised scenario that I wrote for her because I loved it so much! She always comes up with some amazing alternate time period ideas for scenarios :D

Hope you guys love it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Candles hiss and flicker at me as we walk down the corridor. A moldy dankness infests the long

tunnel-like space, and my resolve begins to falter as we continue into the gloom.

“I am so excited!” Tina exclaims at my side, not seeming to notice the murkiness of our current

scenery. “I’ve never done anything like this before.” She grasps my arm. The touch does help to give

me a little more confidence as we walk, though I still worry my thin-heeled shoes will suddenly break

through the rotting floorboards.

The beaded hems to our dresses swing around our legs, tickling my thighs, but I ignore the

sensation. Especially when we see two looming dark figures ahead of us.

We draw to a slow stop in front of them.

The two men practically fill the hallway with their muscular frames, making them already stand out,

but they are also dressed in pristine, blackest-of-black tuxedoes. Not exactly what I was expecting.

“We’re here for the Heartbreaker’s party,” Tina announces, barely able to keep the fizzle of

excitement from her voice.

The men glance over us in an inspecting sweep. It’s hard not to fidget as they do so, so I pat the

bottom of pinned hairstyle to help with my unease, my crystal-embellished circlet shifting slightly as I do.

“Go on in,” one of them drawls eventually, stepping aside and pushing open a thick door behind


We shuffle past eagerly and walk through the doorway into what appears to be a whole different


To get to this place, we’d had to descend deep below a run-down building—a run-down building

that was entrenched in more dreary run-down buildings, all of it surrounded by a town grasped by

dullness and the mundane.

But here…my eyes snap open to draw in every bright, colourful sight, my ears are bombarded by a

blast of wonderful upbeat music, and sharp scents of all kinds fill my nose. Glitz and decadence

sprawl over what once must have been the large wine cellar but is now a lair for the most wicked

kinds of fun.

“Come on!” Tina calls, grabbing my hand and practically dragging me down the flight of stairs into

this den of glamourous sin.

What I don’t notice as I go—too entranced by everything new—is the way a certain pair of deep

brown eyes catch sight of me and cannot look away.


Tina and I move through the swaying crowd—each person with a drink sloshing around in a crystal-

cut tumbler—towards the bar. A tall woman in a suit complete with tie smiles at us. She throws a

towel over one shoulder and leans on the wooden countertop that shimmers with splashes of

wasted alcohol.

“What can I get you, dollface?” she asks with a wink in Tina’s direction.

Tina practically swoons, clearing her throat and spreading her hands on the bar to keep her legs

from giving out. “Whatever you recommend.” She then gestures at me with a nod. “My friend will

have the same.”

I give a quick smile, and the bartender nods before setting about filling a couple of ornate flutes with

something fizzy and lush.

“You know, I go on break about now if you fancy a dance?” the woman asks, pushing the glasses to


“Do I ever!” Tina replies.

The bartender chucks the towel to another server before walking around the bar and leading Tina

away to the bustle of swinging dancers on the makeshift dance floor. How they managed to fit a

whole band down here on a small dais as well as everything else, I have no idea, but it certainly is


“I’ll just…wait here,” I say to Tina, who has already strolled away.

I turn back to the bar and sip at my drink. The alcoholic tang certainly packs a punch after so long of

going without. I shake my head as bubbles tickle my nose.

A shadow casts across my drink, followed by a voice so smooth it practically melts over me.

“I don’t believe I’ve seen you here before,” the voice announces.

I look to the side to see the stranger and realise she’s talking to me.

It’s difficult to think of a response when met with such a rich and hypnotic gaze, especially when it’s

paired with a smile that makes my stomach somersault.

“This is my first time. Our first time,” I reply eventually when I force my body to work again.

“Oh? You’re here with someone?” A little thrill flurries through me at the tinge of disappointment to

her question.

I turn and point to where Tina is completely enraptured by her dance partner on the floor. “I came

with my friend.”

“Ah. Just friends,” the stranger says before adopting her knee-weakening, heart-stopping smile once

more and leaving me breathless. She leans casually on the bar beside me, and I resist the urge to

step in closer to the magnetic presence that radiates from her. “My name is Nat Sewell.”

The name rings with familiarity in my mind. “Nat? Wait…You’re the owner of this club. You’re the


She licks her lips to cover a chuckle. “I assure you, [Name], that is not a title I gave myself.”

I quirk a brow. “You know my name?”

Her fingers spread on the bar, accidently brushing against my arm and sending my body into a

sensual shiver. She notes my reaction with a long intake of breath before flicking her gaze up to

meet mine.

“I know everything that happens here, as well as what is to come…”



The way I would never leave there if I was on Miss Sewell’s radar

Jason Bond

Now you know why I thought of Bob Seeger's "Strut" for Nat's song. That woman is sultry when she WANTS to be LOL