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[GIF DESCRIPTION: Somebody saying loudly, 'I'm So Ready' with a smile]

After a couple of days of social media prep, I can get to Book Four!!!

Not actually the writing yet, I've got to start with a whole bunch of 'housekeeping'/tidy up for coding, along with getting the summary of Book Three for character creation written up and choices added, as well as the stuff for bringing over characters into Book Four from other saves...But at least I'll be another step closer, hehe! :D


Mikey Ytreza

I'm curious : am I the only one who didn't get the choice to save my play at the end of book 3? I did it at least 20 times and had never see this option like it appeared at the ends of book 1 and 2...

Jason Bond

Hi Mikey. The save option does not appear until 80% of the NEXT book is written. It's a Hosted Games rule.


BOOK 4!! BOOK 4!!! BOOK 4!!!