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QUESTION: "Felix/Farah, every time you poke at Mason/Morgan about the detective, they get angry and try to push them away. Are you intentionally trying to screw things up between them or do you just not care about the effect it has?"


Felix/Farah shrugs. “Eh, if I didn’t poke them then they’d so absolutely nothing at all. Better to have some reaction than none. It’s the only way to bring them both together.” They grin. “You know, eventually. But you can already tell what is between those two is easily gonna withstand these early pains. That is a definite.”



Aw, F doesn’t have a mean bone in their body and has good-intentions, I doubt they’d try to screw up any of their friend’s relationships on purpose Besides, M in their relationship really grew in b3! They’ll get there 🥰


Though my M-mancer isn't so sure she and Mason will 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 have a relationship, or be anything other than teammates who bang, she would definitely rather F not push Mason, since she knows that makes M push her away (and anyone saying 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 to M about her ends poorly (like with him calling her a slam pig in Haley's!). She figures one day Mason will just be done with it altogether and move on to someone else. But it's good to know F means no harm in it, even if it still causes harm. And it's good to know F has faith M and the MC actually have something between them, because my MC sure as hell doesn't! Thanks for the answer! ❤️


F never really means any harm, but you're right when you say it can still do some damage, even if that wasn't their intention