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QUESTION: "To the Agency -  Since the Trappers are apparently capable of taking a supernatural's powers from them, have you ever considered doing that to the "really bad" supernaturals, instead of locking them in a torture box for eternity?"


The Agency representative keeps a steady expression, folding their hands on the table as they keep a level gaze with you. “We were unaware of the ability to take a supernatural’s powers. But taking a part of someone seems far more of a harsh punishment than caging, of which the term of imprisonment may only be a few months.”

They stand and nod. “We thank you for your enquiry and any other others can be directed to this number.” After pushing a card with the familiar moon logo into your hand, they scarper from the room before you can ask any more awkward questions.



Poor dude. Probably thought being PR for a Secret Organization would be the easiest job in the world 😂


Chewing on this for a sec: There is a lot implied when you use vague phrases like "may only be" as it indicates circumstances outside of a few months exist without saying it directly. Also given M and N's back and forth I am pretty sure there is no way to "extract" a supernatural's power without likely leaving them dead in the process so yeah that would certainly be messed up so I will give our imaginary rep a point for the solid misdirect.