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QUESTION: "I saw that there would be rook content this month, so I HAVE to ask a Rook lived AU question. rook, what do you think of (romanced) Adam and his relationship with the MC?"


He shifts in his seat, fidgeting forwards a little and glancing over to Rebecca. “I’m laying somewhere between being complimented that my child would find someone just like my Rebecca to fall for...but also a bit weirded out. I mean, it really is kind of weird right? That stoic vamp,” he waves a hand in Rebecca direction, “almost carbon copy. Minus some fangs. Pretty sure its all leading to some kind of Greek tragedy writing itself.”

She gives a long sigh in reply with a roll of her eyes.

Rook leans back with a triumphant grin at getting a reaction from his most beloved. It leads you to believe maybe he’s not quite so serious in his response as he was making out.

“Alright, so maybe not carbon copy then. But I can certainly see the appeal behind an icy glare. Wanting to warm it up is almost too much to resist.” He ends with a soft chuckle.