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Rebecca chews at her lip, hand hovering over the door handle.

“You’re going to have to let me in there at some point, Becca,” Rook comments through an annoyingly charming grin. “I’m not gonna bite…though I suppose I should be more worried about them biting me.” His grin widens as he chortles at his own ridiculous joke.

Rebecca rolls her eyes and sucks in a breath. “Those kinds of jokes are why I’m hesitating about letting you meet them.”

“Aw, I’m not that bad.” He nudges her with his elbow before kissing her cheek. “You married me, after all.”

She can’t help but smile, as always. Of everyone in her life, he is the only one who can crack through the barriers she’s kept firmly in place.

“Alright,” she expels finally. “Let us get this done.”

Pushing the door open, Rebecca steps into the common room, greeted by the rich scent of cedarwood, and the autumnal colour palette of the space. Hopefully the comforting aesthetic will help put her more at ease, though the twist of tension across her shoulders doesn’t budge an inch.

When Rook had first asked to meet her team, Rebecca had denied his request five times before finally giving in. It’s practically impossible to say no to that man, especially when he still makes her entire body flutter after all these years together.

Each member of Unit Bravo lifts their head to look at them as they enter.

Unsurprisingly, Nate is the first to step forward.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, Rook,” the tall vampire greets, holding out a hand.

Rook instantly takes it with a warm smile as the two charismatic personalities bump up against each other before settling into a balance. “Same. I’ve heard so much about you all. Nate, right?”

“Correct. I guess Rebecca’s descriptions were on point.”

Rook curls an arm about Rebecca’s waist and tugs her closer, nuzzling her into his side. “Is anything about this woman not on point?”

She curls in on herself a little at the attention, but once more she can’t help but bask in the warmth of his affection.

“That’s frickin’ adorable,” Farah comments, bouncing up to Rook and hip-bumping Nate out of the way. “I didn’t think she’d ever let us meet you. Was starting to think you were a figment of her imagination.”

“Imagination is not one of my strong points,” she notes with a slight frown.

“Plus, could she ever imagine up someone like me?” he asks with a shrug.

Rebecca arches a brow with a sigh. “It’s difficult to comprehend how I could imagine anyone with such an ego.”

“It’s called self-confidence, Becca. I know my strengths…most of them coming from you,” he comments, dragging down the walls of Rebecca’s stoically-strong defenses again and again.

It takes a lot of effort to keep the smile from her face.

Farah grins. “I didn’t think I’d ever associate the word ‘cute’ with our handler, but you’re certainly showing a different side to her.”

Rook laughs, placing a hand on the shorter vampire’s shoulder. “I’m going to guess that you must be Farah.” He leans in close to mumble, “I think I was most excited to meet you.”

“As you should be,” she replies, spreading a hand on her chest as her eyes glimmer in pride.

Rook’s gaze then drifts to the two remaining vampires keeping their distance behind the sofa. Rebecca tenses as they do.

“I’m thinking you’re…Adam?” Rook guesses, gesturing at the Commanding Agent who has remained  silent. “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve been impressed at the reports of your missions. Pretty amazing stuff how you lead everyone with such assurance.”

“It is my job,” Adam replies with barely any other motion.

Rook smiles and waves a hand. “Still, I envy you that skill. I can barely lead my own brain to make the right decisions let alone other people.”

There’s a flicker of an appreciative smile from the team leader, which Rebecca raises a surprised brow at. Why she’s surprised, she has no idea. Rook’s ability to adapt to the people he’s interacting with is something Rebecca’s never witnessed in anyone before. If she didn’t know much, much better, then she’d have guessed it was a supernatural trait.

“And then last but certainly not least, you’re Morgan, right?” Rook asks, taking a step further into the room and nodding at Morgan.

She barely does much more than flicker an examining gaze over the man before licking her lips. “It must be because you work for the police that makes your skills of deduction so precise,” she quips.

Rebecca grits her teeth at the barb, swallowing down the immediate instinct to jump in to defend her husband. He certainly isn’t the best at doing so himself.

“I’d like to say it’s a natural talent, but you’d know I’d be lying, wouldn’t you?” he replies, the wink to his words implied if not given.

Morgan snorts out what Rebecca guesses is a laugh. “You’re not all bad.”

“I’m not all good either,” he comments, this time actually giving the added wink.

This sends Farah into a titter of laughter as she approaches him again and tugs him down to sit on the worn sofa beside her.

“Oh, you’re totally going to fit in with this team,” she says.

“He’s not part of the team, only visiting…” Rebecca begins, but her words are lost as easy conversation strikes up between the team and Rook.

The tense anxiety drains from Rebecca as she watches the scene. This merging of professional and personal life is not one she would have wanted, but she can’t deny the warmth it envelops her in. The love of her life stands bright amongst the vampires who have become like family to her. The scene couldn’t make her happier.

A smile tugs at her lips, but she is quick to hide it behind her hand before anyone sees the shameful display of emotion.


This was an idea of a scene from a $50 patron's scenario, which I loved SO much I fleshed out some more and had to share! 

I love writing Rook SO much! :D



I love seeing these glimpses of Rook, I absolutely adore seeing his relationship with Rebecca, I love the alternate scene where he meets the team, safe to say my detective is like him and I can't wait to see more

Detective Williams

Man rook seems like the perfect blend of Farah/Felix and Nat/Nate